Something very unusual happened to me this morning. I forgave him. Anger is a heavy burden to carry but unfortunately I'm unable to just drop it at will. It takes time and lots of prayer, and this morning on Jesus' birthday I was blessed w/ the gift of forgiveness. And because I forgave I also forgot. We've not yet opened gifts as Daddy is still w/ Uncle Steve but I'm gonna guess this is the best gift I'll receive -- this year or any year. So I am very happy this Christmas morning!
Drinking coffee out of my Kliban Christmas coffee mug, gazing out the window can you guess what I do not see? Allow me to illustrate:
But at least I can pretend!
Trust me, that would be better than the rain we've been having. That's winter in the South: rain, rain and more rain. I have to pause here to get the turkey in the oven but I shall return shortly. It's a small bird.
And now I'm back to finish this up. And Something To Be Proud Of by my favorite, Montgomery Gentry is on TV! This is going to be a great day! I'm glad I did my nails last night instead of this morning because getting the bird in would no doubt have destroyed my polish in Cherry Rain. Yes, I'm a habitual nail polish changer -- I can't help myself. Perhaps I should discuss that w/ Cindi. Trust me, we never run out of topics to discuss. There's always a crisis ... The story of my life.
Last night I took all the food to Miss Pauline's around 4.30 as she was expecting the Tribe to begin rolling in anytime but at the present no one was there except her. It was foggier than I've ever seen it -- I have foglights but still I creeped along about 20 mph because I didn't want to run over anything, especially a hideous
So I get in town to Big Star which was closing at 6.00, grab my milk and a couple of other items and who's standing at the door waiting to close up? My old sweetie pie, Mr. Griggs! He saw me coming and opened his arms, gave me the biggest hug I've had in a very long time, wished me Merry Christmas. I'm so crazy about that old man it's ridiculous -- but again, this is the South and everyone loves everyone. It was wonderful seeing Mr. Griggs on Christmas Eve. Also one of the guys that works there who hit on me big time.
I found an image online that resembles my little 90 lb. wolfie, Legs:
And boy, does she ever put her face in the air and howl, just as the image depicts! Now let me put up a photo of James' bird dogs:
Yup, even his redheaded Blue Tick hounds are rednecks!
Finally, my wish to you, all of you who read this, is to have the Merriest Christmas you've ever had before. Please know I've written this w/ love and forgivness in my heart, and my wish is sincere.
And if you get a chance, drop me a line or leave a comment and let me know what Santa brought you! Now I have to finish wrapping gifts. Oh, me ...
Merry Christmas! I'm glad all is well with you! And you figured out what you needed to/
Happy Holiday's to you too Sister, and I'm glad your heart isn't so burdened. I know it's been hard for you. I love you dearly!!
Our christmas gift was Kayleigh!!! She finally came home on Wednesday and I held her all day Sunday. And I have no problem admitting I was a bit put out that she needed her Mother back to eat. LOL
Love to you
Your Sister
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