Time was, you'd have to scan a thick, dog-eared book to select a baby's name. After awhile, the names would start to blur together. The new way to find the perfect name is to go online to Think! Baby Names. You can search under General, Name, Name Prefix, Name Suffix or Meaning. Or, if you prefer, consider names from other countries. By the way, the site also ranks the most popular baby names by year.
Here I go again: I'm fixin' to rag on you about Firefox, why are you still using the horrible and outdated Internet Explorer? Perhaps this will change your mind. These days, computer users are deep in battle with adware and spyware. Given the programming ability on the dark side, Microsoft's Internet Explorer is just too dangerous and Firefox is fast and, so far, safe. Firefox has some great add-ons, too. Known as extensions, they make the browser more convenient to use. Auto Copy, for example, automatically sends selected text to your clipboard. And FlashGot handles massive downloads.
But remember, you gotta have Firefox first!
And now ...
TO: Legs, Roger and Gown
1. When I say move, it means go someplace else. It does not mean switch positions with each other so there are still at least two of you in the way.
2. The dishes on the floor are yours and contain your food. All other dishes are mine and contain my food. (Please note: Placing a paw print in the middle of my dinner does not stake your claim on it, nor do I find it aesthetically pleasing in any way.)
3. The steps were not designed by NASCAR and it's not a racetrack. Beating me to the bottom is not the object and tripping me doesn't help because I fall faster than you can run.
4. I cannot buy anything bigger than a king size bed. Try to locate your inner beast and remember that sleeping animals can actually curl up in a ball, so it is not necessary to sleep perpendicular, stretched out to the fullest extent possible. You know who you are, Legs.
5. My compact discs are not miniature Frisbees.
6. For the last time, humans like to use the bathroom alone. If by some miracle I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it won't help to claw, whine, meow, bite the knob, or get your paw under the edge and try to pull the door open. (Trust me on this one please. I've been using the bathroom for years ... canine or feline attendance is not mandatory.)
7. When you see me asleep, it is not funny to make a sudden leap onto my stomach and drop a chew toy, bone or jingle ball on me, or smack my nose to wake me up, no matter how much that makes anyone else laugh.
8. LEGS: Don't think for a minute that making a sad face and whimpering pathetically will get you out of trouble when I find a puddle of pee on the carpet. The face and whimpering only validate that you knew it was wrong when you did it. (Thank God those days are over and yes, she may as well have had GUILTY printed on her forehead when she did it.)
9. ROGER: My sitting down to bite into a juicy sandwich is not a signal for you to begin gagging loudly and then hocking up the most disgusting hairball in history.
10. LEGS, ROGER AND GOWN: The proper order is kiss me, THEN go lick yourself. I cannot stress this enough.
To pacify you, I have posted the following message on our front door:
1. They live here; you don't.
2. If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture.
3. I like my pets better than I like most people.
4. To you, it's an animal; to me, it is an adopted child who is short, hairy, walks on all fours and is speech-challenged.
5. Dogs and cats are better than kids in some ways. They eat less, are easier to train, usually come when called, don't ask for money, never drive your car, don't hang out with losers, don't drink or smoke, don't worry about the latest fashions, don't wear your clothes and don't need a gazillion dollars for college.
And if they get pregnant, you can sell the results.
Now, don't even get me started on the horses ... God's most magnificent creatures!
At this site put your birth date in the pop up window after you click on the below link. What happens is pretty interesting. It's also amazing how quickly it computes!! Very cool. Send it on to all you think might like a bit of trivia!!
Thanks go to Crusty Cousin!
Filed under: Even I Can't Believe It:
Man faked death to avoid child support; 'Ultimate deadbeat dad' now owes more than $30,000 for two kids.
Filed under: Could I BE Any Happier?
In related news:
Knoxville, TN – Marketing executives at Wall-of-Fame™ Productions, a local manufacturer of swimsuit calendars, reported Tuesday that orders for Pat Summit: Hot, Wet ’n’ Wild swimsuit are just not coming in as expected.
Wall-of-Fame spent nearly $225,000 to shoot, produce and distribute nearly one million calendars featuring the cold, gangly, granite-faced, 52-year-old Tennessee coach in various states of provocative, exotic beach attire.
However, to date, they’re yet to receive a single order.
"We figured that with Pat’s reputation as one of the finest and most successful coaches in NCAA women’s basketball history – not to mention her almost Goddess-like celebrity status here in Knoxville – this was a 'lay-up' so to speak, and we figured we’d clear a million, million-five easily," said Wall-of-Fame President and Chief Marketing Officer, Joshua Blasingame.
"We figured wrong," he sighed.
"I thought any red-blooded male would go ga-ga over the thong-and-conch-shell shot we used for November," he continued. "That got me hard just looking at it. But hey, that’s just me, I'm a big Lady Vols fan so what do I know?"
Blasingame also confirmed that the company recently spent another $200,000 on a national television and radio advertising campaign using the tagline, "The Summitt of Sexiness." However, the ads – which fetaured Summitt in various states of undress – were quickly pulled from major networks after stations received hundreds of thousands of complaint calls and letters.
Wall-of-Fame has sinced filed for Chapter 11.
"I was hoping all of these would at least help us climb out of the hole we dug after that Lane Lovelies: Women of the Pro Bowlers Tour calendar fiasco last year," Blasingame said, pointing out to his warehouse floor, completely barren except for the thousands of unopened Summitt calendar boxes that were returned by angry distributors who have since filed a class-action lawsuit.
"There’s no accounting for taste, I guess."
That's it for now --
oh my goodness! I about choked to death reading about your pets! *lol* Warning to all readers out there put down the soda before you read funny things!! *lol*
I also loved the age thingy! That was pretty neat! :)
My pets ... They own me! Hope your soda didn't come out your nose! OUCH!
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