Note to Self #4:
Think before you turn your mother into an eBay junkie. It would appear she now has eBay Fever. Nothing good can come of this.
One hour eleven minutes left until bidding ends on Mom's product, and she keeps asking, "Are we still the high bidder?" YUP! We surely are!
On a brighter note, Daddy and I had too much fun when we went to the PBR Championships!

In recent news, Bee Gee Barry Gibb bought Johnny and June Carter Cash's home

I just have to note on FoodTV tonight Queen Latifah joins Emeril in the kitchen to cook "Food of Love" -- I don't even want to think about what that could mean because the first thing that springs to mind is warm apple pie -- EGAD! -- and on Iron Chef it's Battle Banana. No I am not making it up.
Update on Uncle Steve:
This is not necessarily a good update. When he first had his stroke Aunt Pat was told by her insurance company that as long as he continued to improve he'd be kept in Rehab at the hospital but last week she was informed that next Tuesday he's got to go. To a nursing home. Today Daddy went to the hospital to visit him and now the story is, he could come home as long as someone took him to an outpatient rehab facility three times per week or he could go inpatient and receive rehab five times per week. There are two inpatient places they're looking at, one in Jackson and one here and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to realize if he were here it would make the whole family's lives a lot easier. Aunt Pat has been w/ Uncle Steve 24/7 until she returned to work yesterday, but afterwards she was right back at the hospital and went to work from there this morning. I'm not really sure how much thinner she can spread herself but she's not once uttered a single word of complaint. Still, you have to worry about her! It's been nothing but worry around here since the day before Thanksgiving. I don't know that things will ever be the same again w/ Uncle Steve. He can navigate around w/ a walker -- Dude has worked absolutely tirelessly, also w/out a word of complaint -- but he has no use of his right arm. Of course, he's right handed. I wish I had better news about him ...
And Mom has won her auction! I've paid for it and I assume it'll be shipped tomorrow. Oh happy day!
Finally, tonight is a full moon, the Wolf Moon! Oh please don't tell me Legs is going to howl all night because of this ... She puts her nose in the air and howls when she hears sirens (even on TV) and she howls when Daddy sets off one of the car alarms. I say "Daddy" because it's always Daddy who sets them off. Poor soul. I don't know how he does it but every time it happens I dissolve in laughter!
More later --
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