So it's only seventeen days until I go down to Tunica and w/ the stress level I've suffered lately I gotta tell you, I am so ready! I realize we all have stress but I don't deal w/ it well when it's one thing after another so I'm really going to enjoy my time away when I see ...
Oh, me ... Be still my beating heart!
I don't have a lot of news -- the garden is going strong of course. We have more canteloupe and Sugar Baby watermelons than we'll know what to do w/ -- someday. They're in various stages of "babyhood" right now but we have several we're keeping a close eye on. I do believe that biggest Sugar Baby (about the size of a tennis ball) has my name on it! I have a real weakness when it comes to watermelon! My daddy's is canteloupe and there are more than I can count on the vines right now! We have so many tomatoes on our vines I don't know what we're going to do w/ all of them, even if we can as we always do. And the cucumbers are going wild of course -- my parents took several dozen to church to give away on Sunday.
Wait -- I do have some sort of cool news, at least to me. Remember the jacket my Snickerdoodle got me for Christmas?
I bought a pair of boots to match!
Which just happens to match my Bebe bag!
I love the rhinestones!! Of course I'm not wearing the jacket right now but the boots fit like they were made for me. WOO-HOO!
My two Prune Danish are fixing to take them a little trip I guess next week. Now they need a break -- seriously! So far the plan is to leave here and hit Little Rock, OKC, Tulsa, Springfield, MO, STL and then come back here. I think that's the route they're taking. Or it could be OKC, Dallas, Shreveport, Jackson, MS, Tunica and then back here. I think that's it ... Sigh! I'll have to ask Daddy again. Well, I never said I'm intelligent -- I just try really hard to fake it!
So we had two electronic items drop dead on practically the same day. I got my mama a TV for Christmas and on Saturday she turned it on and got ... nothing. The next day I tried to use Daddy's printer because mine's not even out of the box yet and ... nothing. Well, you know me, I'm the Fixer Of All Problems: I called the store manager about the TV and I'll be exchanging it tomorrow. And I just went out and bought Daddy a new printer as a surprise for him. I was surprised that clunky little Canon that he got free w/ his PC lived as long as it did. The new one is an HP which is truly easy on the ink unlike Canons. For some reason if anything goes wrong I have to take care of it, and fast or I get very upset about it. So all is well in my world ... at the moment.
I've not heard a word from my Crusty Cousin about Mr. Crusty's brain surgery. I'm gonna guess he actually survived the surgery because no one's called us to a funeral ... On the other hand, I don't know that they'd even let us know about that. Oh, who the hell knows ... ? I don't know what's wrong w/ people. She has to know I'm extremely concerned! Probably I'm not the first person on her list to notify but jeez! It's been three days and ... Well, maybe I'm not on her list at all I guess.
I may as well post this now. I've been working on it for two hours exactly but I keep getting interruptions so that's it for me tonight! I give up.
Later --