Well, you know how we all piss and moan about our problems. For example, my major complaints recently have been:
It's so hot and humid down here I can't even get a breath of air -- about 95° w/ a heat index of 105°.
I scratched my favorite Louis Vuitton handbag -- naturally I had to buy a new one.
My horse had another upset tummy, had to be rushed to the vet but now he's fine and on special food. Snickerdoodle has a sensitive tummy.
I want a SureFire flashlight, I can't locate one around here so I'm forced to get one via a copper supply place -- I mean, police department supply ...
And you get the idea: Most of the things I fuss about are trivial, or easily dealt with. I wasn't exactly thrilled when my Palomino became ill but I knew he'd be seen by a very good veterinarian, and odds were he'd snap out of it, which he did w/ a change in diet. So it's blazingly hot down here, I scratched my favorite Louis Vuitton, my Big Man got an upset tummy and I want a cool flashlight. And then there's my cousin -- my beloved cousin, the one who is a sister to me, and who has been married to her best friend forever. He treats her like a little princess and if there was not one other good thing about him he would still be important to me because he loves my cousin, and the love they share together is just about perfect for them. On 15 June, 2005 Mr. Crusty had a heart attack and required stent surgery. He recovered just fine, and said he felt better than he had in years. On 15 June of this year -- appearing hale and hearty -- he had a seizure and was rushed to the hospital. Long story short, he has two brain tumors and will have surgery on one this coming Friday. The other is inoperable. Did I mention both are cancerous? You can pray and ask God why this has happened but the fact is no one knows. You can beat your head against the wall, lie awake several nights in a row -- you can even scream your lungs out and bawl until your eyes ache but none of us will ever know why this happened to him, why it happened one year ago to the date of his heart attack -- we'll just not ever know. One thing I'm sure of is, prayers are gonna pull him through this. The other is, life is just not freakin' fair. The thing is, I honestly do have an issue that is ongoing and hurtful for me but when you deal w/ this kind of person, it's sort of expected. And now, w/ this traumatic event impending it's amazing how trivial every single thing else in the world seems right now ...
On the up side, I made a bundle when I had my tag sale -- for junk! For crap that I absolutely had no use for, no need for and was sick of looking at! I couldn't believe the stuff people bought but it could only have helped that I priced everything at bargain-basement level. I wasn't out to make a killing. I was hoping to get rid of this junk and I'd say 2/3 of it sold, the balance was taken to Goodwill. If they didn't want to pay fifty cents for my Gap tops here, they can pay five dollars for them there. What can I say?
Sharmy, this is for you my love:
And, guess where I'm going to be in 22 days?
Shortly after that, guess where I'll be?
And you? NOT!! Yeah baby!!
I'm so sorry about your cousins hubby... I'll send my prayers his way too.
Thank you for the kitty! I adore kittens!!! *lol* They are wonderful!
And I WANT TO SEE AN ARMADILLO!!!!!! I think they are so adorable, in an "ugly" way! *lol*
Thank you for prayers, sweetheart. Surgery is today and I don't really expect to hear from Crusty for a day or two but that doesn't stop me from worrying myself sick.
Isn't that kitten adorable? She just looks so pitiful in that photo. *lol*
I'd love to see a LIVE armadillo -- just once! The only ones I see are just like the photos -- tits up! I too feel they're cute, in an ugly kinda way. If I ever do see one I'll photograph it for posterity. We see all kinds of critters out here -- beavers, deer, possums, etc. all the time but armadillos are elusive little critters.
Love to you!
I got chased by a beaver once! *lol* My friends and I were all out fishing in WV..... and one didn't like us and came running after us! *lol* Kinda freaky! My Grandma thinks I'm nuts but I think possums are cute!
This may be the only time I agree w/ Grandma but yes, you are NUTS! We've caught some down in our stable and they HISS at us! They were eating the horse feed until Daddy built a container to hold all of it, so we trapped them and he let them go somewhere else. MAN! They were EVIL!!
And hideously ugly. Bleah!
my grandma used to shoot them! *lol* When they came into the yard.... I always thought they were adorable!!!!!
Hey girly! I just updated my whole page so go take a look! AND you have to look at my darling little squirrel!!!!!!!! I LOVE HIM!
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