Ordinarily when I read online news -- CNN, Fox News, Yahoo News, Google News, Reuters, MSNBC to name a few -- daily I skip most of the "fluff" but today something caught my eye and it's funny! No, it's not really funny ... See for yourself -- the first entry in the "Peculiar" category:
Surgeons in China who said they performed the first successful penis transplant had to remove the donated organ because of the severe psychological problems it caused to the recipient and his wife.
Elementary school uses stick-figures-having-sex font on the cover of their third-grade spelling curriculum; kids unaffected except for a strange desire to play hangman with dirty words. Image below:

That's how many it took to carry the world's heaviest monarch to his grave.
King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV of Tonga died on 10 September, apparently of a vowel overdose.
Thinks oboe would make a good bong.
And in unrelated news:
I gotta say, NO KIDDING?! I mean, every single person who knows anything about Willie knows about the ... uh ... recreational biologicals, and believe you me, you can't come w/in 20' of him w/out noticing a really strong fragrance about him even though he's adamant about "You don't smell anything." All these years it's been the Good Old Boy Network at it's finest, but someone forgot to tell one particular Louisiana State Trooper.
And then I ran across the most interesting photo -- not in "fluff" pieces -- because the colors are striking and rich!
The Littersweep is working more fabulously than I could ever have imagined. Both Furballs have -- apparently -- taken to it w/out incident although when it roars they still run away. I'm absolutely thrilled, and would have willingly paid far more for it than I did. I simply got an excellent buy on it. Now everyone is happy! I empty the container I guess once every 3-4 days, no muss, no fuss, easy as can be!
Finally, because I'm finally winding down and the pain pill is taking effect (at last!) I'm posting a freebie that you absolutely must get!
Legs wants out so I'm outta here for tonight~
1 comment:
ok girly! Where have you been hiding?! I hope all is well! I miss ya!
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