No, I'm not talking about a friend named Bucky, I'm talking about the Real Deal: He got him an 8 point -- almost 9 point buck this morning. Thank heavens that's over! I'm thinkin' he'll probably keep going out because Uncle Steve hasn't gotten one yet, and Lord knows he can't go out alone in his wheelchair to hunt! Wait -- Uncle Steve has been going out in his little mini-car to hunt, not his wheelchair. Poor soul. This morning he saw two 4 points but they were too far away. Everyone else has gotten a deer -- Uncle Rex, Daddy and even my cousin's husband Sarma and it was the first time he ever went deer hunting. Now Uncle Steve needs to get him a bigun'! My daddy just hauled Bucky off, and I'm glad. It was so beautiful, and for once his big old tongue wasn't stickin' out. I took photos w/ my 35mm. and I'll post one when I get it processed. That was one big deer! Sad. When I come back from town night before last it was about 6.15 PM. I turned off Natchez Trace onto Pin Oak and there was a little bitty fawn right by the side of the road, just as plain as day. She was tiny, about 1/2 the size of Precious and I was scared she was gonna dart out across the road so I creeped by as slowly as I could. I didn't see Mama but you can bet the ranch she was watching Baby. That's why Daddy doesn't want to take a doe.
I slept all night w/ the windows open and like to smothered to death. They're still open but at least now there's a nice breeze coming through. Another hot day but then it'll turn to winter down here again: 50°and rain. I miss snow.
Bucky is long gone, all that remains is his ... *gulp* ... head, I think. Gross. The rest of him is at Hay's Meat House or whatever it is. This is kinda funny: When Da was deer hunting he counted I believe he said 39 turkeys in the clearing -- boys and girls, or whatever they're called -- so he got his deer and today went out turkey hunting. Didn't see a one. *snicker* I mean, is it really necessary he murder every animal on our land? Hunting season just began, for heaven's sake! I feel bad for them ... I know, I know, it's the balance of nature and all that crap but it still breaks my heart.
So. Do y'all know about the Lips Urinal? Now this is disgusting. Get a load of it:
Oooh, classy. However, they're all over Europe, and they can keep 'em far's I'm concerned.
So tomorrow is the church's Thanksgiving dinner and it looks like every thing's gonna turn out just fine despite my mom stressing about it. She made the pea salad (using English peas, of course) that everyone but me loves, dressing and I'm sure something else but it just fell out my head. I made like a gallon of gravy plus Samantha's Famous Deviled Eggs. Daddy sampled everything just to make sure it was up to his high standards! He tickles me when he does that.
And you thought you had a lousy day, how would you like to be this person? Officials in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, spotted what could be a rare World War One stamp on an absentee ballot on election night. But by the time they discussed what kind of stamp it was, the envelope it came on was already locked in a ballot box. Of course, it cannot be opened once sealed so it'll be another 22 months before anyone knows if it's the infamous inverted Jenny. However, it's worth a lot less than what it once was because it's been canceled! Sad.
This is also ridiculous, and I've been left wondering what were they thinking? Check out the luxury laptop which also includes a built-in videocam that has "a mirror-like function ... to allow you to check your style," according to the laptop maker's Web site, Ego-Lifestyle. Yeah, I'm gonna plunk down $5K for a laptop I'm sure to replace in 18 months.

Mind you, that's the el-cheapo laptop. For the ritzy one w/ platinum and diamonds click the link:
It's still gonna be a hunk of junk, a freaking dinosaur in 18 months!! Sheesh.
And this is a Good Thing: Barbaro's cast was removed last Friday!! He is in no way out of the woods and still suffers from laminitis in his right hind leg which occurs frequently when horses put too much weight on one leg. But Big B is definitely on the mend!! I can think of no horse more loved by the world than he.


The article states, "thousands of fans worldwide who have sent cards, posters, carrots, apples, candies and flowers. 'And Barbaro is not greedy,' reports Bellwether, the school's newsmagazine. 'Of the thousands of treats sent to him, he enjoys what he can, and shares the rest with other equine patients.'"

Such a precious boy. God bless you and keep you, Barbaro. Our prayers are with you always.
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