
... my blog title should be more like "Beer For My Wolfdog?" because I have no horses, not anymore. They're all gone now. My babies are all gone, all the tack, saddles, show tack, grooming supplies, leads, halters, everything, gone! This 97 acre horse ranch is lonely, so very lonely ... There's a reason for everything -- it's said -- although sometimes I simply can't fathom why.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year ...

and all that crap. It doesn't mean anything to me because little changes in my world, and when it does it's usually a new horror story, like the one that happened last month. And the month before when my original blog and image server were both deleted. Sometimes I actually feel like, "That was pretty awful but I've survived it, and things certainly can't get worse," but every time I do something comes down the pike that makes a big fat liar out of me. So I try not to say that anymore. Anyway, Image hosted by

Today, the first day of 2006, the weather is treacherous! It's sunny, 65°w/a lovely southern breeze. How appalling! I only see this in my dreams:

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Sad. I miss the snow and am still in deep thought about where I'm relocating to. I'm leaning toward Scottsdale, I think but w/serious thoughts of Utah or Nevada. I'm not sure yet but I've located a website that tells everything about any particular area you may be interested in. Or, you can put in your own specs and it'll come back w/cities you've never probably even thought of before. I hope I can be enticed to do something before I completely die on the vine ...As it were.

I live in a dry county which is fine w/me because I'm not much of a drinker. You can buy beer here but that's it. You can drink in nearby counties but I'm so phobic about the whole drinking and driving thing that I don't do it. You think I'm gonna get tanked on Disaronno or -- EGAD! -- Jägermeister and drive 30 or 40 miles home? Not even on a bet! I mean, there is no freaking way I'm endangering my life and lives of others. In fact, I don't believe I've had an alcoholic drink at all since I've been here, which will be five years in four days. However, when I vacationed recently I picked up a friend's bottle of Corona w/lime. Now, I've never been able to choke down beer very easily but I guess the lime did it for me becuse it wasn't as horrible as I'd expected it to be. So this morning I decided I'd go get a six-pack of Corona and limes. I first went to Mr. Griggs' store for limes but it was closed because it's a "holiday" today, so then I just went to Dodge for Corona. They have a rule that you can't purchase alcohol until 1.00 so I was totally thwarted! I got back in my dad's truck and gave up. Back at the ranch, I looked in my refrigerator for milk (my ulcer has been throwing nonstop tantrums for three weeks) and lo, there it was: A lone bottle of Pete's Wicked Ale, all by itself. It's not mine but what the hell? I popped it open, leaving the milk behind and ... Trust me, it needs lime. Or something because it was just too nasty!! I figured I'd slug it down, save this to draft and take a nap. That's what I do most of the time, I sleep. If I'm not sleeping I'm driving somewhere. That's my life -- sleep and drive. I love to read too but I can't track -- I have A.D.D. and on 19 January Dr. Winston will decide what else to add to my drug cocktail since I'm now off the crappy Strattera. On drugs, off drugs all the time, trying to find the magical combination which, for me, is impossible. I will be bipolar the rest of my life, up and down the roller coaster except I don't have as many manic episodes as I once did. I miss them. I miss lots of things.

And this is what I'm thinking about on New Year's Day. *sigh* Guess I'll post this now instead of saving to draft.

Oops! I nearly forgot! This is actually good news -- the Razr is now available for Verizon Wireless, which is my cellular company of choice. So I think I'll get one soon. I'll see if it's all it's cracked up to be, but online it looks pretty decent!

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