
... my blog title should be more like "Beer For My Wolfdog?" because I have no horses, not anymore. They're all gone now. My babies are all gone, all the tack, saddles, show tack, grooming supplies, leads, halters, everything, gone! This 97 acre horse ranch is lonely, so very lonely ... There's a reason for everything -- it's said -- although sometimes I simply can't fathom why.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Saturday, How Exciting.

Yes it's Saturday, the day I should be planning on what I'm going to be doing this evening. However, as a favor to my daddy my plans are already made, at least up to a point. Bruce, Tonya, Justin and new baby are coming to dinner Image hosted by and Daddy really wants me to be home. The baby was a surprise to everyone as Tonya didn't know she was pregnant until she was almost six months! (I'm not going there.) And then little Valencia Danny (named after both paternal grandfathers) came about two weeks early. I think they're calling him Vance ... Oh well! I can't wait to get my hands on him! He'll call my parents Gammy and Papa. Mom's not doing all the cooking and is sharing the duties w/ me only because she doesn't know how to make my Famous Garlic Breadsticks. That alone will prevent me from Image hosted by because I have been very queasy of late. Give me a breadstick and a salad and I'm good to go.

I have a new baby in my family too! Sister Carrie's oldest Stephanie delivered a gorgeous baby girl last month! Image hosted by Kayleigh May weighed 7lbs., 6oz. and is such a chow hound she's been gaining weight rapidly! Carrie is beyond herself w/ joy which is always happy news for me. She's been through some trials and deserves much happiness.

It's cold outside today, 39° and windy but the rest of the week it's back to the 60° range which just drives me nuts! Last week three days in a row it ws in the 70s. I'm not the most intelligent person in the world but something tells me I'm not gonna see any Image hosted by like this. It did flurry some a few days ago but that didn't give me the charge a real snow would.

I have to do a few things in my nest today: Image hosted by and Image hosted by and Image hosted by Mom has already spit shined her house including Image hosted by her already spotless kitchen floor. Now she's stomping holes in the floor, pacing, waiting ... She always does that as she does not wait well. My only prayer today is that I don't get into it w/ my parents and Image hosted by as I did when the Ducks were here. I totally embarrassed myself.

Oh! That reminds me! I've been wearing the most fantastic makeup since I went away on vacation -- and this is really true: "i.d makeup is about being true to your i.d. entity. Bare Escentuals® started the revolution in mineral makeup with the introduction of our 100% pure bareMinerals®. bareMinerals goes way beyond foundation. Imagine wearing creamy, feather-light color all over your face, cheeks and eyes. bareMinerals buff on so light and smooth that you'll forget you're wearing any makeup at all. Better still, bareMinerals contain no oils or binders - which means their all-natural color stays true all day. It's makeup so pure you can sleep in it." I know, now I sound like an infomercial right? But let me tell you, I had become disillusioned w/ traditional foundations because it felt like I was wearing glue on my face. Seriously! It's humid in the south and I could feel it melting ... melting! I had tried everything from every store from Wally World to Sephora and I'd been hearing a lot about bareMinerals but felt it was just too expensive. Then in October my financial load disappeared and I was able to again spend as I wished. Finally I decided to take the plunge -- after talking to a couple more friends who are longtime users of this stuff. Trust me when I say I will never go back to the "other" stuff. I do not have a hideously ugly complexion but this stuff makes me gorgeous! And for me to say that about myself is nothing short of a miracle.

Yesterday in the mail I received a letter from Harrah's -- gasp! I love mail from casinos! They offered me a room rate of $30 per night (as opposed to $419 - $699) and sent a coupon good for chips at the blackjack table! I can't recall the denomination though -- I didn't read the letter, Daddy did. The offer is good just this month ... You know I'm going. I mean, I have to!

It's now 1.45 pm so I guess it's time to get busy. Hope one and all have a lovely weekend! Wish me luck, okay?

More later --

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