
... my blog title should be more like "Beer For My Wolfdog?" because I have no horses, not anymore. They're all gone now. My babies are all gone, all the tack, saddles, show tack, grooming supplies, leads, halters, everything, gone! This 97 acre horse ranch is lonely, so very lonely ... There's a reason for everything -- it's said -- although sometimes I simply can't fathom why.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

I Poked My Eyeball

I did, and it hurts. My Snickerdoodle has been off his feed since last Saturday evening when I fed him. At first he munchied a little but since then he's just turned up his nose. I began giving him more sweet feed w/ his oats until now it's come to straight sweet feed but as of this morning it was still no go. He did however continue eating treats, and consumed as much hay as he could get. Had he stopped eating entirely he'd already been at the vet at Huntingdon (I don't use the moron large animal vet here anymore, ever since my mare knocked him on his butt because -- I warned him!) but since he ate hay like it was his last meal on the Titanic I didn't have to worry about indigestion problems -- termed "colic" in horses, and they can/do die from it. I almost lost Snickerdoodle two years ago due to colic but I took him to Memphis to a vet who treats Kentucky Thoroughbreds -- Smarty Jones is a patient -- and she saved his life. So this evening I go to the stable to feed the Horseys. I'd given him some apple treats (which are also high-vitamin) to hopefully get his mouth watering previous to that but it hadn't worked before. So I put a little sweet feed in his bowl and went about my business as he stood there blinking at me. He wanted more cookies. "More cookies, Mom! Come on, you love me ... " I've heard it before and ignored him ... And he turned to his bowl and began eating! I began sobbing (naturally) because 1) I was happy because tomorrow was Vet Day for me, and 2) My mom was in the stable w/ me and has been very sympathetic to my fears about Snickers. So I didn't move while he was eating -- I didn't want to distract him from his dinner -- and he got down ... oh, better than half a regular meal for him. I was so happy! Once he finished I got hay to put out for them and -- duh! -- I walked right up to a bale, and a big, thick piece poked me in my right eyeball. Man! It hurts like the dog! Now I'm all worried about it because I had LASIK and I'm seriously considering the E.R. tomorrow. I put the lubricating drops in it about a gazillion times and it hurts less when it's closed -- blinking irritates it. But, the good news is my Big Man is eating again and I don't have to haul his big old butt to Huntingdon to the vet tomorrow! Here's his big old face:
And here's his big old butt:
Did I not mention his big old butt?

Of course, there's the baby, Cosmo:
I love his Baby Nose!

And his mama, Sassafras:

I'm almost afraid to mention it, but she's been in a very sweet mood for about six weeks now. Usually when she gets PMS she gets nippy. Did I say nippy? I meant she chomps on my Snickers.

Speaking of photos, I simply must make mention of my heart throb:
Oh, myyyyyyyyyyy ... You know, it occurs to me that the counter above says two months, sixteen days. I'm screaming on the inside but I'm also thinking I'm gonna have to locate a whole lot more images.

My eyeball hurts. I have to lie down and mash it into the pillow so I can keep it closed. I have news, but it's gonna have to wait till tomorrow. 'K?

Later --


Anonymous said...

awww! Poor Samantha!! *hugs* I hope you feel better soon! Eyeball ouchies are NEVER fun! :( I'm glad the horse is eating again. He is so cute!!

Samantha said...

I was more worried about my Big Man than I was my eyeball. What a relief to have him eating again! Last year when he went to the vet w/ the same symptoms it turned out he had "an upset tummy," but he was also slightly anemic. I thought that would be the routine again, giving him doses of meds every day but he seems to be okay now, thank God!!

Yeah, he's cute. He looks just like Mr. Ed -- you ever catch that show on Nickelodeon? Check him out sometime! Except Snickers is far more intelligent than Mr. Ed. *LOL*

Anonymous said...

I used to watch Mr. Ed all the time! I love all the black and white tv shows!! :)