
... my blog title should be more like "Beer For My Wolfdog?" because I have no horses, not anymore. They're all gone now. My babies are all gone, all the tack, saddles, show tack, grooming supplies, leads, halters, everything, gone! This 97 acre horse ranch is lonely, so very lonely ... There's a reason for everything -- it's said -- although sometimes I simply can't fathom why.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Where My Down Coat?

It got soooo cold last night when I woke up this morning it looked like snow on the grass! Snow? In TN? In October? Never! But it did get freaky cold last night, and now it's returning to more normal temps. Yesterday the high was 53°, the low 33°and normally it's 75°and 50°. Today it'll be around 67°, tomorrow 73° w/ the sun shining brightly! This is normal weather in the south. It sucks. I'm stuck in the No Snow Zone. Life is so not fair, but I don't know what my horses would do if it snowed more than an inch down here and lasted only 30 minutes. I can tell you for a fact, my wolf hybrid doesn't know from snow at all -- she's only 2! I doubt she'll ever learn what it is down here, but I could be surprised. It wouldn't be the first time I fell over in shock ... as a result of various monentous events.

Speaking of which, check out this photo from MI w/ the caption:

"The many colors of fall...reds, golds, and white from snow."

Just check this out, a photo taken yesterday in Chippewa Falls, WI:

I ask you, how lucky is this guy? I loved living in Wisconsin, being right there at the lake front! Yup, we had plenty of lake-effect snow which was awesome -- until I had my first experience w/ thunder-snow. That scared the stuffin' outta me! Otherwise, I loved it, loved every minute I lived there as I recall. I guess because my entire childhood was spent in areas where we had real seasons, where the change in season was highly defined, I miss it all the more. I remember the snow coming down in big, fat flakes, how warm it was when it snowed and the quiet. It's so quiet when it snows! Except of course if you're near O'Hare International Airport where you can hear the birds but not see them. Eerie.

But it's not all bad in the south. So what if my daddy outgrew his tremendous allergies and passed them on to his only child? We had frost last night so the grass will no longer grow -- that goes for the new Bermuda sod in the pasture, by the way -- so that's the end of part of my sneezy problem. However, I'm surrounded by 97 acres of pine and cedar trees which never stop growing. *achoo* But, I do miss the autumn colors -- very little on the ranch, however I do get to enjoy them when I travel. I have a Chris Cagle concert coming up as well as Montgomery Gentry, and I have a few reservations in Tunica -- all comped of course. That would be a Good Thing.

Now this is a gorgeous photo, taken five days ago in Lincoln, NH:

Now it's apple season -- yummy, crunch, tart, sweet, crispy, tasty apples! Is your mouth watering? Remember, an apple a day keeps the doctor away! I don't know what the significance of that is but every time my mama goes to the market she brings me fruit including lots of apples and she often says that to me. I don't know what apples have to do w/ seeing a physician but there you go.

I make an apple crisp (the afore-mentioned recipe Samantha's Famous Apple Crisp which I got out of a cookbook but tweaked) that's to die for! Seriously, I've had people bring me apples just to make them this hot, buttery, cinnamon-y dessert! Mmmm ... this would be another Good Thing.

And back to the snow! Here's an image I'm familiar with:

Oh ... I sorta feel sorry for this guy:

Sucks to be in New York, dude -- they got two feet of snow! Woo-hoo!

And what would this be w/out photos of cats -- Cats Who Look Like Hitler, to be exact!
Disgruntled Hitler:

Where My Eyeballs Hitler:

Stop Exploiting Me Hitler:

And last but not least, Upon My Throne Hitler:

Anyone who is owned by a Furball is familiar w/ that pose! Oh, I love my Furballs ... Even more since we have the automatic litterbox! It rocks! Totally worth the money, no question!

Gotta run -- going to the market, etc.

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