Speaking of Stuff: Mom has been helping me in the shop to get rid of my Stuff. I get to keep my Craft Stuff which surprised me window treatments, holiday decorations, all the Stuff that makes a home is outta here. We're having a Garage Sale Under Protest after I go through all my Stuff. Every time I go out the door I get depressed about it. At least Daddy said I can keep my Craft Stuff which was indeed surprising.
We have the garden in! It took three days from tilling the horsey poo in to finish and we already have two veggies popping up! The radishes and "pickles" as Da calls them (he's so cute!) -- the cucumbers. We planted 32 Jet Star tomato plants, 18 hot banana peppers, 12 bell peppers and the rest were seeds. Radishes, "pickles," carrots for my horses, canteloupe, Sugar Baby watermelon, green beans, spring onions ... my mind just went blank! I can't remember what else is down there however, I'm just dying to see what herbs come up from last year. A bunch of them were coming up when my dad went down there to till them under. I tried to tell him ... No one ever listens to me.
Some changes in this little town -- some good, some bad: Cigs and Suds down by Huddle House has been gone for three months. Directly across the street from Huddle House was a crappy old restaurant building they finally dozed and now it's a shop for the truck dealership on the other corner across from Huddle House. So it's been busy down there. The body piercing place on Natchez Trace Drive is not only out of business but they up and took their trailer outta there. Mr. Griggs is still battling for business against Wally World, as evidenced by his weekly sale bills. As far as anyone can tell his market is doing just fine however, doesn't anybody need to worry about Mr. Griggs. He owns much of the commercial real estate around here and it turns out he did every single thing in his power to prevent the Wally World SuperCenter from coming in here. He's on Building Commissions, etc. and it makes sense because he basically had a monopoly on the grocery customers in this town. There are other markets but -- incredibly -- his was the best even though it's very small.
I've been looking at ... *SCREAM* ... new cars. I don't want to, I detest the thought of it, I'd rather take a beatin' than buy a new car. However, only a fool would be ill-prepared for the inevitable which is, Nathan's days are numbered poor girl and I simply must have another economical, small vehicle. So I've been looking at all the imports -- much to my father's chagrin -- and I believe I might go Suzuki. I have some time -- I hope I have lots of time to think and list all the pros and cons of each but right now it's looking like Suzuki. But I'm not sure.
Tomorrow my Dwight Yoakam tickets go on sale -- WOO-HOO! I'm tickled. I'd thought about going to Pigeon Forge to see him but that's tomorrow (it sneaked up on me, I thought it was in JULY) so that's out of the question. So I'll see him in Tunica ... which will be really painful for me, you know having to be at a casino, being around all those cowboys and that. *snicker* Be still my beating heart!

Trust me, if there's one man over all others who makes my heart go pitty pat it's him. Oh man ... On to another subject -- fast!
I have to get ready to get out of here now. I have an appointment w/ Dr. Winston at 3.15 which means he'll get around to me around 4.00-4.30. I hate that.
More later --
*lol* You sure had a busy day!! :) Fresh grown veges are the best. When I was little we used to have a big garden, corn, tomatos, green beans...YUM! :)
You gotta love those fresh veggies, Shan! Yummy!!
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