In fact, I'll see him at
which is inside
Believe it or not, I've never been to Sam's Town -- for some reason it didn't appealing to me so I've never been. This will be a new experience and since I'm going in July I will definitely be enjoying this for a few days:
YEEHAW!! Let the good times roll!
That was this afternoon and now this is evening. Blogger went down to do maintenance and I've been impatiently waiting to spread the good news ever since. Or maybe I've been waiting to gloat. Yeah, that sounds a lot more like me.
Anyone wanna see another photo of Mr. Laptop again? No? Okay, how about Gerald!! I know Sharmy adores Gerald so this is for her:
"I have come to collect your walnut of a soul you traded for the fun with the Daytime Hooker."
As you reach for the whiskey, you realize Artie is on the 13th Step - Evisceration Therapy.
You know ... There's something about the above hottie that reminds me of my son. Nothing about his looks, because my son looks like me -- I think it's just that he's so cool and exudes confidence, whether he feels it or not. Especially holding the guitar -- I don't know, there's just something there. I can't put my finger on it.
In the news, Arsenal defender Sol Campbell will replace Philippe Senderos in the Champions League semi-final second leg.
This has to be in my Top Ten Weird Celebrity Events of this year -- No, make that Top Five: Denise Richards and Richie Sambora hook up. While not yet divorced from their spouses, by the way.
It's said that Angelina Jolie wants to give birth in Nambia and she and Brad Pitt have released a statement.
You thought I was kidding, didn't you? Nope. That's what they said.
Here's something I should probably stay far, far away from: EBay Launches Online Store to Sell Items.
eBay Express
Clearly, this is not good news: I just clicked the link for the new store and it already has my account information!! It read, "Welcome Samantha!" I'm in dire trouble now. This can't be good. On the other hand, way to cut to the chase, eBay! Leave it to them to find yet another way to monopolize the market.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch ...
The garden is growing very fast! Everything began popping up in 3-5 days after being planted! We have:
Green beans
Spring onions
Cucumbers which Da refers to as "pickles"
Red radishes
Sugar Baby watermelon
Hot yellow peppers
Jet Star tomatoes
Bell peppers
Carrots which are just for my horseys
And I think that's it. Daddy and I took two Jet Stars over to Miss Pauline's and planted them for her along w/ a healthy batch of horsey poo. I am so hoping they do well for her! If they don't you know what I'm gonna do, right? I'll sneak over there in the middle of the night and place fat, ripe tomatoes from our garden around her plants and maybe she'll think they just fell off the vines? James plants about a dozen but he doesn't tend them very well nor does he get the Jet Star which I swear by for tons of fruit! I love the Brandywine and others for taste, but those Jet Stars were still bearing fruit when I lived in Utah and it was snowing! Also, my parents preacher Arthuritis has a birthday this week. The congregation (perhaps 40 in total) took up a collection and got him a gift card from Penney's because that's where he likes to buy his clothes. But my mom also presented to him 4 hot banana pepper plants. She added, "Sami said she'd rake up some horse poo for you if you want to come over and get it." I also said, "Too bad Artie is so prissy, some horsey poo would do those plants some real good." Sheesh. But she didn't tell him that. Anyway, everything germinated in our garden very fast this year -- except for the carrot and watermelon seeds. I'm ticked. It's rained and rained and rained here, we've had two days w/out rain and tomorrow we're expecting more which will drop the temps down from 85 to 75 degrees. The thing is, you can't get into the garden to thin Da's radishes else you'll sink to your ankles in mud! And of course, poo.
Check this out:
You see that butterfly? I obtained that photo from our newspaper website:
When I went down Saturday evening to feed the horseys I noticed a cluster of more than thirty of those butterflies at the edge of the garden. I studied on them for quite awhile but I never did figure out what the deal was w/ them. I then tried to locate information online but no go. If anyone knows the species, please let me know? It's making me crazy not knowing. Here's another photo:
Okay I'm getting tired and stupid so I'm headed to bed. Goodnight!
I LOVE butterflies....awww! They are beautiful! And for ONE thing missy....I HATE GERALD!! And sadly I have no idea who your picture guy is...*sigh* (well I wouldn't if I didn't read your blog...) Ya know who he kinda looks like? Tom Petty. :)
TOM PETTY is an old broken down junkie, although I dig his music. NO COMPARISON!
You know you love GERALD! I gotta throw him on my blog every now and then to frighten you ... *LOL*
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