Guess what time it is? That's right, my
Not a great photo but he's still hot. YEEHAW! Only two and a half months to go ... I got my ticket in the mail today from TicketMaster! WOO-HOO! I put it on my credit card (which, of course, Mama will end up paying for, bless her!). But, it all comes out in the wash -- as it were. Recently, I got them two Miracle Foam pillows because I so love mine and theirs are deader than dead. Sometimes I find her stuff on eBay that she'd like but all the receipts, etc. is getting confusing over here because neither one of us can remember what I bought, what she bought, what comes out of either account and so on. Just yesterday she ran across a receipt and said she needed to deduct that from her checking account because it was a debit, correct? I said yes, but it came out of my account, not hers because it was an eBay item. The thing is, if we buy stuff from the toll-free number on TV it's even more expensive so I always try to hunt it down on eBay and saves us a bundle. Some stuff it would be advantageous to purchase in a store -- such as the pillows, cause you want to know exactly what you're getting but other stuff (such as Coach handbags for $4.44 -- LOL!) it's pretty safe.
On to the news:
My carrots are finally germinated and popping their little greens up! The horseys will be thrilled although Snickers is the only one who eats the whole carrot (and he's a finicky eater) while the other two only eat the carrot tops. No sign of the Sugar Babies though so I figure I'll have to buy some plants to put in. Not a big deal though, for me. For the first time since I've been here we got our garden planted before Mr. Tomato Man! When you come around the curve and look down on his garden the soil looks ... pale? Ours is black, but full of that ornerous "black gold": Horsey poo. The soil here is a red clay-like mixture which makes you wonder how anything grows in it, and not surprised when it doesn't. And Mr. Iris Man on Natchez Trace Drive has all his Iris's up now. They're very pretty but why anyone would want a square garden full of Iris is beyond me. They bloom in the spring and then they're done.
The Henderson County Rescue Squad began searching on Tuesday for a man who went fishing in Browns Creek Lake (which is so close I could spit at it) that morning and never returned home. They had to suspend operations when a bad storm moved through here that evening but have continued to search ever since. They recovered the man's vehicle and boat which was floating in the lake but as yet there's no sign of him. A witness told authorities that a man was seen fishing out of the boat in the lake earlier that day so no one is expecting this to turn out well. His name hasn't been released because all his family members have yet to be notified of the search. Sad.
There have been lots more boats and divers out there looking for him than that.
Also Tuesday night, the storm hit Trenton, TN hard! Straight-line winds uprooted trees and downed power lines. People found themselves trapped in their homes or vehicles because of trees landing on them. Clean up continues however, and the much-ballyhooed Annual Trenton Teapot Festival will proceed on Saturday. Oh boy!
My oral surgeon, Dr. Mark Harper lives and works in Trenton. He did my DaVinci Veneers and he is sooo gorgeous! (He didn't help matters any by greeting me w/ "Hello, gorgeous!") I've always worried about what I may have said to him while under anesthetic, and I once asked him. He said, "Let's put it this way: I know everything about your horses now." I hope all I talked about was the horses ... *sigh* Anyway, to my horror Dr. Mark gets into that whole Teapot thing. He even has antique teapots and if I were to go to Trenton tomorrow, there's not a doubt in my mind I'd find him. Maybe I could sing "I'm a Little Teapot" to him like I always threatened to do ... Unless I've already done it while under the influence.
This is disturbing:
"SMYRNA, Tenn. (AP) -- Eva Guerra said the last time she saw her 2-year-old daughter was Sunday night. When she woke at 4 a.m. her daughter was gone and the door to her apartment unlocked.
Now the toddler has been missing for nearly five days. Police are continuing to search for her, and they are still interviewing family and neighbors about her disappearance.
But a Smyrna police spokesman said Friday they are getting contradictory stories from the mother.
'Some of the things we heard previously, the stories aren't matching up,' Sgt. Ken Hampton said."
That baby has been missing for five days, and she's only 28 months old! Look at her precious little face, hopefully she'll be recovered and soon!
And here is her photo:
I'm praying she'll be recovered safely, happy and healthy.
The Annual Whine and Dine @ Bumpus Harley Davidson is tomorrow night, and tickets are $50 -- an extremely worthy cause as it benefits the Madison County Humane Society. There will be a wine tasting, coffee bar, heavy hors d'oeuvres and entertainment so you must be 21 to attend. I'm far better off donating money and not attending for two reasons: 1) I couldn't bear leaving all the pets there and would want to bring every single one home and, 2) The entertainment will be music by the band The Krawlin' Kingsnakes. Need I say more? Personally, I've not had the pleasure of hearing The Krawlin' Kingsnakes ... But they scare me anyway.
I had no idea but it seems dance classes are held weekly at the Rockabilly Hall of Fame in Jackson, TN -- or, as we refer to it "Carl Perkins World." If you dig Carl, go get your fix.
Also this weekend if you're not tempted by anything else, there's always the Taste of Weakley and Obion Counties. I know Weakley and Obion Counties therefore I will not be attending.
This morning soon after I awoke I was talking to my mom and this is an example of how tense things have been around here lately. Mom is loud by nature, even louder and more shrill when she's angry:
Samantha: I've decided to begin the garage sale at 6.00 am this time instead of 7.00 because most begin at 7.00 and I want them to come here first. The last time they were all lined up and down the road at 6.30!
Mom: No, you're going to start it at 7.00!
S: I just think that's the best option for me. And I'm going to have it Friday and Saturday as usual.
M: Now I know you've lost it! Everyone works on Friday, just have it Saturday! Open at 7.00 in the morning!
S: Mom ... I know I've aggravated you this whole past week and I'm sorry for whatever is wrong (which is, she's mad because I haven't caved in every time someone thinks I should do this or that. We've been working on garage sale stuff and Mom thinks this should be pitched or that should be pitched and I've refused. Daddy told me to DO WHAT I WANT, it's my stuff.) but I hate the tension between us, and I can't stop whatever I'm doing to annoy you unless you tell me what it is.
M: I'm not discussing it!
S: Well, I wish you would so we could eliminate it.
M: Okay! You want to know what's wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong! It's just that you're so pushy!! (I almost fainted when she said that.) Pushy, pushy, pushy! Everythinig has to be your way and I'm sick and tired of it! THAT'S WHAT'S WRONG!!
I paused, collected myself and quietly said, "Well, I'm sorry you see things that way because it appears I will not be able to 'fix it.' We've been sorting out boxes for the sale Mom, and about the timing of the sale -- you do know I've had about a dozen of these, right? I think I know best when to have it, but I require nothing of you so please don't feel you must schlepp over here in your jammies to help me. I'll be just fine!"
She hung up on me
And here's something else: When Daddy and I were working on the boxes of Stuff he found the one that contained my dinnerware and other kitchen stuff -- my porcelain cows, etc. He commented, "Oh well we don't even have to open that one, you want that stuff, right?" That was when I realized Daddy was gonna be really cool about this! I thought he was gonna hardball me at every turn! A couple of days later Mom noticed the dinnerware box and asked why it hadn't been opened yet. I replied that because we know what's in there and it's a Keeper we'll just put it in the loft. She said since I obviously don't have room for it now later on I can buy whatever I want when I do have room for it but I don't really want to do that. But I really want my Stuff -- at least some of my Stuff! Later I was outside chasing a little toady so Legs wouldn't get it. (She loves toads, just holds them in her mouth -- yuck!) I was thinking maybe I should just give all that Calphalon to my mom -- but Daddy told us both, "It's Sami's stuff, she can keep it if she wants to." But I'm really torn about it: Mom buys these sets of cookware for $10 at Wally World and then wonders why they don't last? She does this every three or four months and I've told her a hundred times: If she'd bite the bullet one time and buy decent cookware that would be it. She'd never have to buy another set. To prove my point, two years ago I bought her a Calphalon skillet. I got it on sale -- it's very large -- but still cost around $100. I proved my point alright! She'll never have to replace that puppy! I know it's a long story but that is why everyone's been so aggravated at everyone all week. It would serve us well to listen to something my mom always says: "It'll all turn out fine!" Because it always does! There's been a lot of tension over what goes and what stays and the general disaster that is Daddy's shop (the poor soul is so tolerant of me!)and oh my stars, the gazillion loads of laundry that's had to be done but it's not been totally w/out rewards. I told both of them upfront: If they see something they want, grab it. Daddy nailed him some tools right off the bat, and I can't begin to list everything Mom's taken home w/ her which is as it should be. If she even starts that stuff of, "I'm going to pay you for this," I'm gonna lay her flat out! LOL!!
Which reminds me: Thursday night is Daddy/Daughter night. I go over to the Big House and we watch Survivor together, yelling about the injustices or how much we dislike different contestants. It's fun! But while I was over there he asked me what kind of price I was going to put on my little 13" color TV I kept in the kitchen and the self-propelled lawn mower that was only used like three times. I said I didn't have a clue and asked him why? He said the Duck was interested. I replied, "You tell the Duck to give me whatever he feels is fair. It's hard taking money from him." The Duck is Daddy's best friend, and I adore him! But I do know he wouldn't permit me to just give anything to him. The Duck is fair. If I had my way, I'd throw that stuff in the pick up and just take them to the Duck's house, F.O.C. (Free Of Charge) but I know that's not happening.
I need to find food. Or something. This is enough boring material for one night.
Later --
1 comment:
WOW GIRLY! I think you are making up for not posting for an entire month!!! *lol* I'm so glad your eye is better!
I've never bought anything on ebay yet.... Hmmm? Scarey huh? *lol*
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