Let us turn our attention to something gorgeous:
Yup, there he is! Only ... two long months, thirteen neverending days to go ... *sigh* Clearly, the counter was not a good idea -- at least this early in the game. The ... time ... seems ... to ... slowly ... creep ... by ...
I know this is late but I got sidetracked. You can bear this in mind for next Easter. What to do w/ all those annoying little Peeps? Make this:
Moo Goo Gai Peep ... or maybe it's Peep Foo Yung. I'm not sure. I find Peeps quite ... distracting. Clearly, they must go!
In the news today:
They're livin' it up in Skullbone! Brr, it was a cold weekend for the sixth annual bike rally but no one under 18 is allowed to attend, and for good reason:
SKULLBONE - At first glance, the scene at Skullbone Music Park on Saturday afternoon might have appeared to be just another giant festival, complete with bands, funnel cake, hot dog vendors and merchants.
But look closer, and the rally also resembled Mardi Gras, with men giving women bead necklaces to flash their breasts. There was also a whipped cream wrestling match.
Now, if you can point out 'Crunch' in that crowd I got a ten dollar bill w/ your name on it. Good luck!
Apparently there was much fun to be had at Trenton's 26th Annual Teapot Festival. It was "Steeped in Tradition" and I'm missing it all. Including the traditional "Lighting of The Teapots." Oh jeez ...
The third anniversary of a tornado that did enormous damage not only to Lexington but Jackson, TN as well is coming up:
47 Minutes until midnight
The day the night sky fell
Images from Lexington:
The McDonald's golden arches show the strain of withstanding Sunday night's tornadoes on W. Church Street in downtown Lexington on Tuesday.
Pope Subdivision across from Johnson Controls on Natchez Trace Drive was absolutely obliterated in this storm. I remember this clearly: McDonalds got their arches unwrinkled, Co-Op built a fine facility on Hwy. 22 and that dinky little Major Market is now a brand spanking new BP station down by Nick's restaurant.
This isn't local but Keith Richards was injured after apparently falling out of a palm tree on Fiji, and is hospitalized w/ a mild concussion.
Not to worry about the dinner party last night -- Mom cancelled. She's not been sleeping well she says, and since Bruce and Tonya "can't ever make it at a decent hour" she decided against it. Bruce works on Saturdays and he can't do his work -- washing semi's -- until they begin arriving around noon, so they usually want to dine around 6.30 pm. But they're always late, and that's the root of Mom's problem. Some people are always late and Bruce and Tonya are a couple of those people. Earlier we discussed the situation -- remember how totally aggravated we've all been w/ each other lately:
Mom: Bruce and Tonya are supposed to be here at 6.30 but we all know they won't come dragging in until 6.45 - 7.00. But we are sitting down at 6.30, regardless! That will teach them to arrive on time!
Samantha: Mom, are you nuts? You're fixin' to punish guests you've invited to dinner?
M: NO! I am just sick and tired of them dragging in when they get around it, it's never at a decent hour, and then I ending up doing dishes all night! We will sit down promptly at 6.30, I said!
S: Well, don't expect me to do that. That's just about the most obsurd thing I've ever heard! Calm down, take a load off, don't sweat it, okay? There's nothing to worry about.
M: If they cannot arrive at a decent hour, we'll eat w/out them.
S: Look, I'm not even coming to dinner that night, okay? There's simply too much tension between all of us lately.
Well, the parents just returned from having lunch out. Mom sent Daddy over w/ a message that completely ticked me off. But, being angry it's time for me to post this.
Just have to tell you one thing PEEPS ROCK!!!!
And I have another thing to tell you Cousin Sleezy...Dwight Yoakim is WAY too young for you to be lusting over! Don't rob the cradle.
Love, Cousin Crusty
PS- I notice you managed to avoid meeting me in Nashville the entire month of April...nice going. I told you that's what you'd do. Ah well, your loss.
you just don't know what is YUMMY!
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