Oh! Before I go on, I have a message for cpe-69-205-127-238.rochester.res.rr.com,, and it would serve you well to listen to me:
Be what you is, if you is old and ugly then be old and ugly, but be what you is! And in the words of Steven Tyler, "Don't give me no lip 'cause I've got enough of my own." And he still has an enormous level of hotness even after all these years you know.
I lovelovelove my new laptop! It's lightning fast, it's gorgeous all shiny black, the buttons are all different and recessed -- I could go on forever! I think we need to see another photo of it him!
The keyboard, etc. looks grey but it's not, it's a very shiny black. Gorgeous! I'm still not accustomed to the widescreen monitor -- I don't view webpages the way you do, believe me -- nor can you even fathom the clarity of the screen. When I go back to Old Grumpy to burn information to a disc for transfer ... *sigh* It's just sad. I pity the fool who still has one like Old Grumpy. Technology is a wonderful thing and we all know in two years I'll get another new laptop and I'll gripe about Blackie. That's really sad too.
Here's something that's boggled my mind once I set myself to pondering on it -- You know Rock/Paper/Scissors? Here's the deal: I understand that scissors can beat paper and I get how rock can beat scissors. But there’s no freaking way paper can beat rock. Paper is supposed to magically wrap around rock leaving it immobile? Why the hell can’t paper do this to scissors? Screw scissors, why can’t paper do this to people? Why aren’t sheets of college-ruled notebook paper constantly suffocating students as they attempt to take notes in class? I’ll tell you why, because paper can’t beat anybody, a rock would tear it up in two seconds. When I play rock/paper/scissors I always choose rock. Then when somebody claims to have beaten me with their paper I can punch them in the face with my already clenched fist and say “Oh man, I’m sorry, I thought your paper would protect you, asshole.” Make sense?
I have a friend in Saint Louis I was talking to the other day and he was updating me on things I've missed since I left. One that really shocked me is this:
St. Louis County Executive George "Buzz" Westfall, 59, died October 27, 2003 at Christian Northeast Hospital in St. Louis of a staph infection, said Mac Scott, Westfall's spokesman Monday night. Mr. Westfall had been hospitalized since Oct. 5, when he checked in with severe back pain. Doctors discovered he had a staph infection. He had been in a drug-induced coma for several weeks.
That's a familiar sight, Buzz and his white hair. I realize that doesn't mean much to you but I'm still pretty shocked. You check in to the hospital for severe back pain and you check out deader than a doornail. You just never know when your number's up ... Sad.
I have two photos of women wearing redneck bras:
I think the second one is more "redneck" than the first but who am I to judge something I wouldn't be caught dead in?
The next time you go to a Chinese restaurant you might want to remember this guy's "fortune."
Oh my stars ...
This is self-explanatory and might explain why I feel the way I do:
And why I have this general attitude regarding almost everything!
Did I show you the pool at the hotel/casino I'll be at in July, when I see Dwight Yoakam?
Yeah, it's a rough life but I'll tough it out. It's over two months away but that's alright -- it's summer and that's a busy time for me anyway plus, my Geezers are taking a trip here pretty soon so I'll be watching the ranch 24/7 during that time. You know I wouldn't misbehave while they're gone but while I'm in Tunica I fully intend to enjoy the
Now it's 1.00pm and I simply must do something else today besides play w/ Blackie. More later --
*lol* DO I detect a not of hostility about rock paper & scissors?? *lol* I think the game is retarded anyway! *lol*
And my question about the boobs are isn't it going to hurt like hell taking off duct tape?! WTF? and the hand bra should be left for strippers...blah! *lol*
Yes, I think you could safely say I'm slightly bitter about Rock, Paper, Scissors -- althought I LOVE that game!
Didn't you dig the duct tape but I didn't give a thought to the OUCH factor. I don't think she did either! DUH!!
A duct tape bra. I am both frightened and intrigued. Did you know that there's a duct tape prom scholarship contest? You can get $$ if you make your dress/tux out of tape. Woohoo!
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