That's a good start, right there! He always makes my heart go
Need I say more? Can't wait to see them, plus I definitely need some time off the ranch for awhile. However, I'm thinking I'll just take off for a couple of days, call my parents after I get where I'm going and ask them to watch my babies for me. I've done it many times before, and somehow my mom knows when I reach that point it's best to ask no questions. That would be dangerous ... for me, and she doesn't want to risk me getting to that point again.
Maybe it's the full moon, the Flower Moon, IF you can see it where you are. It's been rainy and cloudy here for so long I can no longer see well because of the many stars lighting the landscape so brightly. Tonight it's 57° w/ a west wind at 12 mph so winter has returned! The past two years spring has lasted about 77 hours going suddenly into deep summer but not this year. Lotsa rain and cool temps. I was thinking about my pool yesterday but thought better of it. I have plenty of time for that, evidently. The garden hasn't drowned out -- in fact, it's had enough intermittent sun between torrential rains to do very well. Many of the radishes and spring onions are ready ... if we could get to them but I'm not too keen on sinking to my ankles in mud to get to them. My mom has three of her hot peppers ready and no matter how her mouth waters we can't get to those either.
I did have bunches of stuff I wanted to say tonight but I'm finding myself more boring than usual so I'm outta here. Sorry about that.
WoW! Hi ya! I just wanted to tell your second picture is a hottie! IS that Chris Cagle?? YUM! *lol*
So what's been going on with you? You never email anymore!! :(
I think our spring is over...yesterday it was 92!!! YUCK!! I hate the heat! *lol* Well I hope all is going well for you! *hugs*
GET A FREAKING LIFE, YOU LOSER!! *LOL* Although, I will admit ... Your "anonymous" comments never fail to make me laugh because if you had a life you certainly wouldn't be concerned w/ me, and reading my blog ten times each and every day! *LOLOL* Why do you think I've not moderated my comments? So everyone else can see what a loser you are! DUH!
Also: You were warned. Now you face the consequences. Too bad, so sad ... NOT!
The sale sounds wonderful and it should give you something to do on mother's day. :) Good luck with it.
That wasn't very nice! Why don't you get a life... and leave her alone?
LOL OMG! This is TOO FUNNY! You dont know her very well do you.
I can't believe that you have to resort to such inmature actions just to get attention which of course leads me to think you're NOT getting it elsewhere. Pity. Nor can I believe you've visited my blog FIFTEEN TIMES today! It's pathetic you have nothing else to do ... That really makes me sad when someone has absolutely no life, and jealousy so deeply embedded they can think of absolutely nothing else.
As much as I've loved this amusing discourse Deanna, I'm afraid I have no choice but to delete these comments and moderate from now on. I'm ashamed to see you embarrass yourself so. Please be assured, any that come from your I.P. address:, will be deleted upon receipt w/out being read. The pissing contest has become dull. Sorry!
Take care, think good thoughts.
Hugs from Dragonbreath.
You know I love you, honey! Thank you for the hugs but today I had an epiphany of sorts ... I removed a post that was driving my stalkers crazy for Daddy's sake! The female half called here and ... Well, let's say she left QUITE the impression on my daddy! I'll explain later in an email. You just WON'T believe it!! *LOL* We all laughed until our sides ached!
Hugs to you, Dragonbreath!!
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