In the news:
Remember the man missing while fishing near here last week? They found the body of 71 year old Charlie Myracle of Wildersville Timberlake Road last Friday. So sad.
Rescue Squad Pulls Drowning Victim from Lake
Incumbent Sheriff Ricky "Duvil" Lunsford will also be unopposed in the August election for county sheriff after defeating challenger Brian Randell Duke Tuesday.
And -- I'm really torn on this subject:
U.S. Judge Leonie Brinkema sent Zacarias Moussaoui to prison for life Thursday, to "die with a whimper," for his role in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The convicted terrorist declared: "God save Osama bin Laden - you will never get him."
Here's the thing: Does he deserve to die because he conspired to murder all those on 11 September, 2001? Or would that just please him to no end to become another
martyr? Perhaps it is best he "die with a whimper."
Back to my growing list of stressors -- the only way to eliminate them from my life is to get at them. More later ...
I take it you are a country music fan. I'm not sure I understnad the world of blogging but undoubtably a lot of people do get it. I hope you feel better in the next few days. Take care.
Well girly you should know by now I always have an open ear if you want to let it out!
That's why I am a bit scared of E-bay.... I rather buy from a company at least then it is "sorta" monitored. :)
Yeah, and onto that punk ass Moussaoui...*lol* On the news this morning it said that the jury decided to life in prison because he was a and I QUOTE "Wannabe Al Kaida" (sorry if it is spelled wrong...) And that he is just taking the rap for 9/11 because he wants fame... Another Idiot in the world...
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