Good morning! I woke up this morning w/ a feeling of impending doom -- Mama's gonna come over to help while I go through boxes of Stuff. Believe it or not, I've decided I can actually live w/out lots of Stuff!! I woke up this morning two hours before I had to w/ the worst heartburn I've ever had in my life, plus my ulcer was breakdancing to a tune only it knows. I couldn't believe the pain I was in but finally it's all calmed down for now ... I don't even want to think about it right now. I only want to get finished outside, have the sale and get it done! Grrrrrrr ... Everything is on my last nerve already.
Now I'm getting nervous and upset. I'm going to save this to draft, and finish it later after I've calmed down. Wish me luck ...
8.10pm, Wednesday, 3 May:
It would appear I had an excellent reason for the feeling of impending doom Monday and Tuesday. I received some sickening news and even though I called in every favor (except one, which I was unable to at the time) I had in Saint Louis County I was given some consideration, but this won't last long -- just until the end of the month. I've done all I can do, the rest is out of my hands. I hate feeling powerless. I've been unable to sleep, hoping I'll find another door to go through, or window, or ... So far, not so good. Now all I can do is sit back and watch the fireworks. Sadly, I'm positive there will be some. Oh yeah ... plenty of fireworks but at least it doesn't involve any of us.
We have to talk about something else -- guess what it's gonna be? That's right!
Yup, I gotta do it again ...
This came in my email and I'm outraged! If anyone deserves the death penalty I most certainly believe Zacarias Moussaoui does!
CNN Breaking News
-- The jury in the sentencing phase of 9/11 plotter Zacarias Moussaoui
recommends he should serve life in prison.
Unbelievable!! Unless ... Jurors believe it would please him to be a martyr. In that case, I'd give him life as well.
I Stumbled onto the most awesome site -- remember when we talked about the program called Stumble Upon? Check this out -- this is a news site but it's set up in different colored blocks. You can check news for eleven countries, should you so desire, and seven different categories. You gotta see it:
I just took a quiz and here are the results:
Oh boy! I'm Bones, baby! If you'd like to see which Fantasy/SciFi Character you are, click the link below the photo.
In fact, if you're a quiz addict -- I swear my friend Shannon is because she does more surveys than anyone I know -- do I have a site for you! The following are examples from this site:
The 100 Acre Personality test
Are You Addicted to the Internet?
What Color Are You?
The Completely Pointless Personality Test
Get Your DJ Name!
Sweetheart Pet Name Generator!
What Dog Breed Would You Be?
What Candy Are You?
What Pie Flavor Are You?
Discover Your Inner Valentine Heart!
Discover Your Past Lives!
What is Your Jack-o-Lantern Face?
Discover your Zodiac Personality!
Create Your Own Band Name!
If any of those interests you, sit down, take a load off, take a dozen quizzes! I gotta tell you -- I honestly don't care what my Jack-o-Lantern Face is, nor do I wish to Create My Own Band Name! But, the Completely Pointless Personality Test indeed intrigues me. I'll let you know.
Okay, scratch that. The Completely Pointless Personality Test lived up to its name and it totally sucked. It said I'm a pumpkin pie.
The next site needs no introduction, trust me! But it's hysterically funny, and remember I am a person who adores and collects cows:
I urge you to click the link -- it's just too funny!!
That's it for me tonight, it's late. More later --
Ok that news site freaked me out so I had to leave!! There were 5 million different things going on at once causing my overly fried brain to break out in hives...*lol* And your quizzes oh darling Samantha...wouldn't you know that I have taken ALL of those!!! *lol* I haven't went to the cow abduction site yet, that will be my next stop!!
oh yeah I forgot....that pic of your hunnie... is it selling him or the chicas boobs?! *lol*
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