Last night I went to the concert and he was fabulous! I took lots of photos, including a couple w/ my phone which didn't turn out for crap, but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway. He did not remove his cowboy hat, and he was absolutely hothothot!! I almost couldn't stand it.
And you wonder why cowboy butts drive me nuts??
And he's sooo got the moves! Every time he danced a little allll the girls screamed! Eventually however, I began getting shoved and stepped on -- particularly by a bag about 65 years old. I was in the second row, right on the aisle and she was two seats down, suckin' down the beer. By 11.00 she jumped up, pushed me aside as she stepped on me and started dancing right -- and singing off-key -- in front of me. And by that time the Security Dudes just gave up, quit making everyone go back to their seats so the concert was over for me at that point. I finally went to the very back where I could see quite well -- and, I had my photos by then so it was okay. However, there were three guys back there and they didnt' need Dwight to have a good time -- they had Budweiser! One insisted on a dance, wouldn't let me leave until he had one. He got a little bit frisky but not too bad.
So I have six more concerts lined up -- but not here, they're in TN, AL, GA, etc. I'm going to see these guys:
I've been waiting for my mom to call, but I have done give up. I'm outta here, headed for the pool! I'll talk to her later -- right now she and Da are putting up pickles! How lucky am I that I missed that??
Later ~~
lol girly your silly! :) Love the geezer count down!! *lol*
Crap! My Geezer countdown has gone down. When I get a minute I'll have to go back into my template and fix it. Man!
Hey there Sami!
The blog looks great! I'm so jellazz concerning your lolling about all day and seeing such hunks by night. Nice pic of Dwight's tush... THANX!
Have fun! Hugz...
HEY girly! Are you back yet???
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