Woo-hoo! But of course they'll be back. Meanwhile, if you think "PARTY! PARTY!" is taking care of the whole ranch all by myself then yeah, I've been doing a massive amount of partying indeed. Oh boy -- I may even get to mow the lawn! If it rains again I definitely will have to and wish me luck, okay? I'm highly allergic -- but, you gotta do what you gotta do. I'll sneeze my fool head off but I won't die and besides, Daddy just got a new lawn tractor (in addition to Green w/ Envy) and it's a red Toro. It cuts corners closer and I hope that's a help, not a hindrance. They might get sort of upset if I mow down a tree or something. I'm glad I don't have to take that into my own hands today -- it's 92° w/ 93% humidity outside today. I'd like to make it out to my pool to relax and unwind so I asked my Magic 8 Ball if I'd be able to? He said, "My reply is no." What does he know, anyway??
Hey, you guys haven't been pushing the red button have you? Believe me, I know who has and who hasn't so you better knock it off! You just can't resist it, can you ... ?
So my parents left on vacation Sunday afternoon about 1.00pm. I miss them -- I miss my daddy an awful lot -- but I don't bawl on the phone to him because I want them to have fun, at least as much fun as is possible even though my mom is missing her soaps. To my utter shock and surprise, Daddy told me today Mom's been happy the whole time they've been gone, just as happy as a lark, and said she'll have some catching up to do when she returns home. I honestly thought she'd get surly w/out them but I was wrong -- and you have no clue how happy I am that I was! And my da too, no doubt. So they left here and spent two nights in a suite in Tunica which was comped and today they're headed to the Horseshoe Casino in Bossier City, LA. This is a very new hotel and it's all-suite like the Rio in Vegas, and the two nights there are comped as well. Now, I don't care who you are -- having the first four days of your vacation free is pretty awesome. Now I'm fixing to make reservations for three nights in Fort Worth, TX for them and all I know is they want to stay near the Stockyards. After that I'm not sure where they're headed -- Oklahoma City, I believe but I could be wrong. But God bless 'em for taking their first vacation ever! Everything will be fine here ... unless I break my daddy's new truck. Perish the thought! But I have a plan in case I wreck it: I have a tow service and Serra Chevrolet on speed dial. I'm not stupid. I got it covered.
In The News:
Barbaro is doing as well as can be expected, stable after numerous cast changes. He was injured during the Preakness Stakes on 20 May. But now he's MY HERO
Richard Hatch, the first million dollar winner of Survivor as been sent to prison in Oklahoma for failing to pay taxes on his winnings. His attorney says, "It's bad for Richard, who is an outdoor person." If you recall, he became known as the "fat, naked guy" because he refused to wear clothes. HATCH DOES TIME
Giant-sized Mo'Nique was kicked off a United Airlines flight but I got no clue why. She says it was racism, United says she was a threat. Go figure.
Remember Ken Jennings who won $2.5 million on the game show Jeopardy? He has some not-so-kind words about that show HERE
And now I'm back! I spent all freakin' day making travel arrangements for the Raisinets for Fort Worth, TX and I was successful! I have them set up at a hotel right across from Billy Bob's. You don't know Billy Bob's? Let me put it this way: You go to Fort Worth and you neglect patronizing Billy Bob's -- don't come home! I kid you not it's like, a totally wasted trip. My parents just rolled into Bossier City, LA at the Horseshoe Casino pictured here:The first is night time, the second is day time. It's beautiful! Oh man ... Just kill me now.
Grumblegrumblegrumble. I could go too but something tells me the odds of me driving eight hours alone just ain't happenin' in the near future. Like, while I'm young!
Okay so everyone who knows me knows I've had an addiction to sparkly things. Well, get a load of this:
I saw those and I was like I mean, can you imagine? I wear flip flops and I love sparklies! Come to find out, the Swarovski Rhinestone craze is going on all over w/out me. Man, I gotta get out more! I do have the white bebe ones but "bebe" is in glitter, not rhinestones. Naturally, I must do something to bling up every single thing I own -- including the horses! That's right, next time you see them their hooves will be blinged out! Well -- okay, maybe not their hooves since they get trimmed once a month anyway but their halters for sure! I'm making the baby my first project -- if I jack him up, oh well.
I have to feed the horses now. I've been waiting for my parents to check in and call but I can wait no longer -- I'm almost 30 minutes late getting Beer For My Horses! Yikes.
More later~
1 comment:
lol girly I love sparklies too! :) Minus the flip flops...I cannot get used to things between my toes...grr! :P So how have you been?
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