But not now. A couple of days ago I came flying in -- I have a sweeping, circular driveway -- to park her in the shop where she sits right in front of Daddy's new Ranger. Well, I tapped the tip of the boat trailer, you know, where the ball fits on the hitch on the pickup and now Lovey has a dime-size dent in her front bumper -- not the black, but the red. Man, you talk about someone getting upset! Crap, I'm still very upset but I won't be long -- 200 miles more! At least her little butt still looks good!

I have opinions, lots of opinions and you don't have to agree w/ me! I don't mind in the least. I don't press my opinions but if asked, I'll voice them mildly and if someone becomes hostile about it I simply drop the subject, usually walking away. For example: John Mark Karr, who has confessed to "being with JonBenet the night she died." What the hell is up w/ that? Do you think he did it? I'm gonna just say he's a sicko (I'm being kind) especially if his ex who loathes him proves he wasn't even in Colorado when JonBenet was murdered. He's a pervert anyway! Sigh. I can't get into it, it makes my blood pressure skyrocket. I'd like to say he's not worth the cost of a 7mm Magnum shell but ... I'd pay a whole lot more than that to see him put our of everyone's misery!
Dang! I just got an invitation to see Sinbad -- and I really love Sinbad -- on 29 October at the Beau Rivage Casino in Biloxi but the timing bites. Daddy and I will be away at a Palomino Show during that time, and needless to say, I'd rather be w/ my daddy and comparing my gorgeous Palomino to those nags! Well ... I mean in comparison to my Snickerdoodle they're all nags.

It's hard to believe but on Tuesday it will be one year since Katrina did her destruction which, understandably, those affected are still highly upset about:

Can you blame them? So Tuesday it'll be the one year anniversary of Katrina and on Thursday Ernesto is expected to arrive. This is Ernesto's predicted storm track:

I don't know what those poor people down there are going to do if yet more damage occurs! You know the Beau Rivage Casino Hotel just reopened last week. Harrah's decided to pull out altogether. It was about half built when Katrina made her appearance but after that, Harrah's said "See ya!" It frightens me, and I don't even live near there although we always have tons of rain after there's bad weather like this in the Gulf. I suppose only time will tell what happens w/ Ernesto ... and those to follow.
If you aren't watching these two programs, you are completely out of the loop and you're missing it, kids! Trust me -- jump in and don't miss another episode! You'll thank me later.

It's getting time for my fruit -- I mean, since I've been eating healthier I consume fruit 2 or 3 times per day along w/ lots and lots of water, and it's made me feel so much better it's unbelievable! Tonight I'm indulging in my current addiction, a white flesh nectarine:

I love the white peaches too, and I'm going to be unhappy when they're gone ...
Finally, I found this photo for my great friend Sharmy. Isn't it precious?

He was actually in the news! He loves gloves and snatches every one he can so his mommy hung them and put up a sign.
1 comment:
*lol* I love the kitty! And I DO NOT think that Karr killed JonBenet.... I feel he is just after 15 minutes of "fame" and he is a putz! Yuck....I have so many explictatives for that idoit it is not even funny...grrr!
I'm sorry about your car! Awww! That sucks!
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