So my two Prune Danish made it back to the ranch safe and sound. Daddy had tons of fun, and my mom did too but I would say she was not quite as entralled as Daddy was. He enjoyed reading the road signs going down the freeways. They really saw the sights though! Daddy saw the famous Babcock Ranch -- one of many, in fact. Today I believe she took twelve rolls of film in to be processed! There just has to be some cool stuff in that! I was so proud of her for taking so many photos -- I honestly was. They had fun, but they were both soo ready to come home. I missed them, both of them. I missed them terribly! They went to dinner w/ the Ducks this evening. Daddy missed The Duck, and Mom probably missed The Susie as well.
Yes, I'm gonna see Trace in about a week! Woo-hoo!

Now that's a tall drink of water, I don't care who you are. Yummy! He's 6'6". Not such a tall one but no less thirst quenching is Chris Cagle (5'11") who I'll see next, I believe. I guess I'm traipsing all over Creation this year. It's sort of like, making up for lost time.

Oops! Time to get Beer For My Horses! I'll be back ... hot, sweaty, sticky and I could even be cross.
I'm back and I'm not the only one who's hot, sticky and sweaty -- so are the horses -- but I am the only one who's cross. They're almost always sweet. I'm sick of this heat and humidity! Well, I'm pretty sure they are too ... Sigh! The heat doesn't bother my daddy. He's simply not human. I mean, how can you not be utterly miserable in this, especially considering there's no end in sight? Still ... I have it a whole lot better than the poor horses. I'm not complaining, I'm merely commenting on the rotten weather.
Another Chris -- Tropical Storm Chris -- is making a buttload of people nervous.
New Orleans, for example. "I'm scared to go through another one," said forklift driver Inos Jones, 50, who stayed through Katrina last August until he was rescued. "If they have another hurricane, you can just shut Louisiana for good." To say that's a scary prospect -- that's putting it mildly. Read the story
Cast your eyeballs, if you will, to the right. Do you see the Firefox button? Do yourself the biggest favor of all, click on the button, download Firefox and thank me for the rest of your life. Firefox has now surpassed 200 million downloads! Two million and one people (me) surely can't be wrong! "Since its release, Firefox has grabbed about 15% of the market. Mozilla outlines a better way to measure the actual user base." Read all about it
And today marks the return of those sourpussed cats! Yeah, I missed 'em too!
Having eliminated Babe and Lambchop, Sweetpea now plots Big Bird's untimely, violent demise.
Oh, Simba. Tell me again about the time you killed your father. It makes me laugh!
Tom Cruise as the vampire Lestat? Hisssssssssss!
Ed hates your one-man lightswitch raves.
Maddy guards her trophies while Pooh and friends remain blissfully unaware of exactly what lies buried in the Hundred Acre Wood.
It's made of hamsters and elderberries.
These are NOT the colors of Clan Cleo! Now blow like a beaten bagpipe!
Barnaby hates that you caught him tripping on Easter Sunday.
Finally, have you heard Desperate Housewives is coming to Lifetime aka Vagi-Vision beginning next Sunday night -- I believe it's next Sunday night. I lovelovelove that show but it surprises me that it's gone into syndication when it's only three seasons old. Hmm ... It took Seinfeld longer than that.
I've fooled around here online half the night and now it's time for bed. One last thing and then I'm outta here:
Do you know about Havaianas? Read:
Havaianas is a Brazilian shoe brand that is exported internationally. Since their creation in 1962, more than two billion pairs have been manufactured. These sandals are made in Brazil, where the sun always shines and the beaches are legendary. Ultra-comfortable (it's the special rubber soles) and super-popular among the locals if they're good enough for Rio, they're good enough for you. In Brazil, Havaianas are beloved and worn by all personalities from the average citizen to dignataries and celebrities. Since being introduced to the United States three years ago, Havaianas have created an unprecedented cult following. Now referred to as the “best rubber sandal in the world,” Havaianas can be seen gracing the pages of the hottest fashion and sport magazines, strutting down the runways at New York Fashion Week and featured at red carpet events. Stylish Americans, including top athletes, rock stars and celebrities demanded the butter-soft comfort of these inexpensive flip flops, making Havaianas available at the most chic retailers and surf boutiques nationwide.
Now, I live in them allll summer long -- it's a long time in the south. But it's nice that now I can be classy at the same time! I have five pair of Havaianas now. You gotta get 'em. You'll thank me later.
1 comment:
I love your kitty posts! They always crack me up! I do like your sandles...I just can't wear them...*sigh* It drives me batty to have things between my toes...Oh well!
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