
... my blog title should be more like "Beer For My Wolfdog?" because I have no horses, not anymore. They're all gone now. My babies are all gone, all the tack, saddles, show tack, grooming supplies, leads, halters, everything, gone! This 97 acre horse ranch is lonely, so very lonely ... There's a reason for everything -- it's said -- although sometimes I simply can't fathom why.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Migraine and a Harvest Moon

Yup, another wonderful couple of days for me. God created everything for a reason and I understand why He did most everything except for two: migraines and cockroaches. You know, you clue me in as soon as you can, okay? I'm not in the best mood I could be so give me a break, okay?

I have so much on my mind it's coming out my ears. Little stuff -- make a doctor appointment, run errands in Jackson, call the farrier, try to find out where on earth some Swarovski crystals are that I purchased weeks ago -- and get a load of it: the seller is in Nashville! -- and so on. Just a lot of little things adding up to make one Big Fat Thing which is probably why I have a migraine. It mildly occurs to me if I'd begin checking things off that crappy list I wouldn't get in this situation. Duh.

OH, my stars! Hahaha, I just flipped to Headline News and Nancy Grace is on. I've not seen news of any kind for a couple of days so I thought I'd see what was going on but Nancy is on and guess who's in court again: Michael Jackson! Ex-wife Debbie Rowe is seeking custody of her kids and this is the best part: He has to bankroll her lawsuit. HAHAHA! Read it here:

Probably this won't mean much to you but it sure does to me, as I was born and raised in IL. Former IL Governor George Ryan has been sentenced to six and a half years in prison after being convicted of corruption:
"Ryan was snared in an eight-year federal probe that exposed rampant bribery in state driver's license facilities while he was secretary of state. The investigation has been among the most successful in modern Chicago history in reach and significance with 75 convictions."
He was lauded internationally for clearing Death Row prior to leaving office. I'll try to keep my opinion about that to myself.

And now I'm back! I began this post on Wednesday but eventually I could fight the U.T.I. no longer, and I've been feeling so lousy I've not done much of anything the past few days. I finally broke down and went to the doctor yesterday and now I'm taking Cipro. I've not thrown it up yet so it looks like I may actually tolerate it. I can't take E-mycin, Biaxin, etc. -- I have a whole list. However, when I saw Susan yesterday (including the ensuing events) I was forced to deduct numerous brownie points. I will be locating another physician. Trust me.

I have only enjoyed the Harvest Moon from afar however, it has made me feel even more strongly about the effects of a full moon on everyone and everything. My parents have been fussing at each other for three days, I've been fussing at everyone and things are just strange. I'm telling you, I believe in the Full Moon Theory and I'm not that crazy.

Here's your How-To of the day:
How to Stop Swearing
If that doesn't work try this:
The Bad Word Database

And just for the record? I don't care what anyone does. I do well to keep track of myself from one day to the next w/out worrying about what someone else is doing. So if it's your thing to cuss a blue streak -- go for it.

Barbaro is coming along, however slowly. The most recent new is:
Aug, 28 2006 After the latest examination of Barbaro's injured leg Dr. Richardson said; "Based on new radiographs that were taken, the leg looked excellent under the cast, said Dr. Dean Richardson, chief of surgery at the New Bolton Center. "The pastern joint looks completely fused, and there is only a small area in the long pastern bone that has a little farther to go before we take him out of the cast completely."
Aug, 22 2006 "Barbaro's appetite and his attitude right now are phenomenal; he attacks his feed and when he goes out to graze, he acts like he thinks he could train," according to Dr. Richardson. He also added that "He needs to continue to improve over the next few months before we will have a better idea about his long term comfort."

And here he is in a recent photo enjoying the great outdoors w/ Dr. Richardson, his primary caregiver:

Should you feel so inclined, I urge you to donate to the Barbaro Fund as I have!

Remember, it doesn't benefit Barbaro alone, but many, many like him in dire need!
Barbaro Fund
I do know one thing about Barbaro -- he feels well enough to flirt w/ the fillies! A healthy 3 year old stallion will do that, nicker when a filly is nearby, so I'd say he's coming right along as he should be. I know I'm unusally sympathetic to this situation but please know, if you lived with horses, if you loved and were loved by horses, if you could go out to the pasture at midnight to be nuzzled by a horse and feel his warm breath on your neck, you'd feel tons of sympathy as well. Horses are magnificent and powerful animals, but you cannot understand how extremely fragile they are as well, which is what Barbaro is going through and has been going through since May. That's why my heart hurts. But on a sweet note, below is Barbaro's newest baby brother -- his full brother, by the way, same sire and dam. Here he is w/ Mom, La Ville Rouge:

Also a bay he looks every bit the spitfire of Barbaro!

Remember Smarty Jones?

The little guy (all of 14hh -- my Palomino is 16.1hh) won the 2004 Kentucky Derby and Preakness Stakes, but came in a heartbreaking second at Belmont. In August 2004 he retired due to chronic bruising of his ankles and he now stands at Three Chimneys Farm. Last year was a great year for Smarty Jones and as a result, his first foal, a filly, was born at 12.10 AM on 10 January of this year. Mom is Shoppingwithbetty.
Isn't she precious? She looks like she'll be a chestnut like Daddy! She was the first of 80 foals he sired this year! Sad though, she sold on 11 July for $556,521:

To put the price into perspective, that made Smarty the fourth leading sire by average for the two-day sale of foals -- ahead of King Kamehameha, even though a foal by him brought a world record price of $5.2 million. A familiar name who finished behind Smarty in average was Kentucky Derby winner War Emblem.

It's now 9.00 PM Saturday. I've been working on this post off and on since late this afternoon but Beta Blogger doesn't seem to like to post photos! *SCREAM* My highly intelligent and beautiful friend Sharmy has no problems w/ Beta but I'm 'bout ready to pull every strand of hair right out my head!

Oh my stars, you have to read this -- a N.Y woman won $1 million twice:
Millionaire Again!
"In 2002, her winning ticket in the Cool Million scratch-off game, which has since been discontinued, was a shot of 1 in 5.2 million, according to the New York State Lottery. Last month, she beat odds of 1 in 705,600 when she got the $1 million prize in the New York lottery's Jubilee scratch-off game. Overall, her chances of winning both games were a slim 1 in 3,669,120,000,000."
Well, God bless her little heart! That certainly cheered me up after battling Blogger half the day, so on that note ...

I'm outta here~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a headache too...bleh! I hope you feel better soon! I'm going to take me a BC powder and chill for the rest of the night....Those things taste like crap but work oh so fast!
And another thing....I like to cuss...curse....say bad words...etc! It's just more fun that way! :)

Feel better soon girly! *hugs*