I promised to tell you how I, a manic online bookmarker -- not bookMAKER -- save my bookmarks w/out using my browser's bookmark feature. If you use I.E. (*gasp!*) that would be your favorites. But of course you're all using Firefox because once upon a time I used to have a download button on my blog. Anyway, I save everything w/ Furl -- short for "File URLs." Okay? Here's a description from the site:
What is Furl?
Furl is a free service that saves a personal copy of any page you find on the Web, and lets you find it again instantly by searching your archive of pages. It's your Personal Web.
Furl offers the best ways to share the content you find on the Web, and recommends new Web pages that may interest you. You can also search Furl to find the best sites that other people are saving.
Furl is used for many purposes by many types of people. For travel planning. Recipe sharing. House-hunting. Medical research. Thousands of people use Furl every day to save, share and discover information that is important to them.
Instantly. Simply. Guaranteed.
Read more about it here:
Okay, I'm not stupid enough to depend solely on Furl either. It has an export feature so you can back it up! Woo-hoo! I found that little gem all by myself. Another thing I love about it is, once you begin saving pages Furl recommends sites to you. But be prepared -- you go to that page, you better pack a lunch cause you're gonna be addicted!
Well! I just got spooked big time! I was really hating Beta Blogger when I looked for this draft ... And couldn't find it! I've only spent countless hours fooling around so much w/ the template I've not had energy to post -- and I still loathe it, you know. I'm giving some very serious thought to changing it back to the boring old thing I used to have just so I won't have to worry about that anymore. Some would call it obsessing about it but of course I'd never do that! So I began this post days ago, got busy, occasionally changing things around so much it made me dizzy, saved it to draft and tonight couldn't find it -- momentarily. Sigh.
So I have some news! I nearly bought a Dyson today, and not just any Dyson: A PINK DYSON! Lookie! Isn't it adorable?

So it's That Time of Year again. You know, one day it's hot and steamy, the next it's frigid and blustery. Perhaps I exaggerate -- but only slightly! Last week it went from 95°w/ at least that humidity to a high of 70°and windy in a matter of two days. It's been so cold I'm sure I saw the Titanic go down in my pool yesterday. And you never know how to dress! Bad enough sweatshirts and T shirts are now sharing a very meager space, but it really sucks when you leave the ranch at 8.00 AM in a sweatshirt and by noon you're the only dufus around not wearing shorts and a tank top. Sigh! I suppose I'll have to retreat to my old habit of carrying a jacket w/ me all the time again. I'll put it way in the back, and no one will even see Lovey clunked up like that. And I still do that thing w/ my hand when people want to cross in front of my vehicle. Old habits die hard, huh? I didn't even know I was doing it until about a year ago.
On my way to Jackson today -- this is a true story -- I saw a buttload of TN State Boys making a felony stop. Traffic was stopped in my lane because they had their weapons pulled, and in the east bound lane it was crawling because everyone was staring! I was pretty near the front plus Lovey sits kinda high in the saddle so I could see well. So the vehicle in question, a hoopty Cadillac w/ very darkly smoked windows was sitting about half on the shoulder, half in the traffic lane and all these coppers had their weapons drawn. Dude wouldn't get out of the hoopty but he had the window down about half way, talking to some of the cops. From what I gathered -- duh -- they wanted him out of the vehicle however, he refused to exit because they had reason to believe there were drugs inside, and he was not giving his permission to search. As you well know, if they suspect drugs are present they don't need permission to search, and they did the next thing as permissible by law: "Get the dog!" Next thing you know, Puppy was all over the hoopty and I sat there thinking, "Either that car is packed w/ drugs or some real premium dog food." Dude still isn't comin' out the car and unfortunately, it appears he's highly allergic to dogs because suddenly it's like a game of Grand Theft Auto gone bad because he's now testing the four wheel drive abilities of that hoopty! He takes off like a shot, and just like in the Blues Brothers allllllllll those coppers take off after him, burning rubber, kicking in turbos, sirens screaming! Man! That was totally exciting! However, I later found out the suspect pulled over less than a mile away and lay down in the middle of the freeway w/ his hands in the air. Sigh. How anticlimactic.
Sad news: Steve Irwin, the man who put the word crikey on many American's lips passed away yesterday. Rest now, Steve. You had a career doing what you loved. See below:
Steve Irwin, popular Australian naturalist, killed by stingray
(CNN) -- Steve Irwin, the Australian naturalist and wildlife crusader who won fame for his popular TV show "The Crocodile Hunter," died Monday after a stingray barb went into his chest, while filming off Australia's northeast coast, authorities said.
Irwin was filming an underwater documentary at Batt Reef in the Great Barrier Reef off Port Douglas in Queensland state, Queensland state police said.
The stingray barb pierced his chest, hospital sources said. News reports say he went into cardiac arrest after he was stung. His body was flown to the city of Cairns.
Irwin, 44, was director of the Australian Zoo in Queensland. He is survived by his American-born wife, Terri, and their two children, Bindi Sue, age 8, and Robert (Bob), age 3.
Terri Irwin was told of her husband's death while on a walking tour in Tasmania, and returned Monday night to the Sunshine Coast with the children.
Can't you just hear him going, "CRIKEY!"
Finally, notice if you will below my profile, and for all you lovers of icky green, a question that's been burning for several months now. Vote now, vote often! I'm positively curious.
Enough, for now~
*Update: Looks like Mr. Blog has his own ideas, the poll posted above my profile. I don't even care. I've "edited" the template more times than I can count. Remember: Vote now, and vote often! (A phrase borrowed from my running for election days in Saint Louis. "Vote often" -- get it?)
Moron?! Thank you! Meanass!
I haven't got the HTML figured out either....they changed it! But, I just use that layout thingy they put, the drag and drop one....it works good! That way you can customize each section....ANYWAY! Did you find a picture that you wanted me to use...? or do you just want me to "correct" the first one? Let me know!
*LOL* You are too funny! I've never been called "Meanass" before! I think you'll consider my latest post a proper apology, giving you all the credit you deserve! (I also meant it.)
I'm looking at images, sweetie. I'll find something perfect, trust me.
How's school? Miserable, I hope. *LOL* Listen, if I didn't aggravate you about something you'd think I was angry, right?
lol! School is school....I'll be happy when it is over and I'm raking in the dough...lol
and I do like the pink vaccuum! Mine is this god awful yellow! They had NO OTHER color when I bought mine....bleh! I HATE YELLOW!
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