On the down side, I think I've developed an allergy to my beloved Furballs. I kid you not, every time one of them comes near me I sneeze my fool head off. This in no way means they'll be finding new homes, it just means I'll be taking lots more Sudafed! It's the only med that doesn't make me sleepy. Oh dear ... Speak of the devil! Scary Cat just jumped up in my lap to feel the heat coming off my laptop. What a dufus -- it's 80° outside! Sigh. He's lovable when he wants to be, God bless his little heart.
The Detroit Tigers won their division and my STL Cardinals are in the lead in the race for the National League Pennant 3-2. The winner plays the Tigers on Saturday night. Thus far the score is 1-0, Mets in the 4th. I'm not worried.
In the news today under the Asinine Category, Heather Mills-McCartney has new, exciting allegations about her soon to be ex, among them:
Heather claims that, among many other allegations, Paul choked her, poured wine on her, cut her with a broken wine glass and forbid her to breastfeed their child. Paul has slammed the accusations in a statement made to the press through his lawyers. His lawyers’ statement read, “Our client would very much like to respond in public and in detail to the allegations made recently against him by his wife and published in the press but he recognizes, on advice, that the only correct forum for his response to the allegations made against him is in the current divorce proceedings."

Oh, that's a little risque', is it not? Anyway, read it here:
Condi Rice tells Japan, "We will defend you" among growing fears of North Korea's apparent nuclear weaponry.
Tell you what, I'd be sorta nervous if I lived next door to Kim Jong-il or any other nutcase. I saw on CNN that he was born in Siberia, he considers himself quite the ladies man, he perms his hair which I notice is getting pretty thin, stands 5'2" tall, drinks Hennessey cognac, and owns a collection of 20,000 movies which includes the complete James Bond series. Now, it is said that he'd stop being such a tiny tyrant (even I'm taller than he is) if he could play James Bond in the next movie. I just found a photo of him in my Deck of Weasels:

Barbaro continues his slow but steady progress:
“Barbaro is wearing his new cast comfortably and his vital signs and appetite remain excellent,” said Dr. Dean W. Richardson, Chief of Surgery at Penn’s George D. Widener Hospital.
"Big B" is pictured w/ Dr. Richardson at University of Pennsylvania New Bolton Center, Barbaro's home since 20 May, 2006.
Wesley, Wesley, Wesley, what were you thinking?? He's been charged w/ tax fraud in an indictment alleging he illegally obtained nearly $12 million in refunds. Refunds? Now he's on the run, avoiding the Blade of the IRS. Sucks to be you, Wesley.
Here's some trivia I bet you weren't aware of:
The Vatican employs 16 Retainers of Church Secret. These retainers receive a salary of 160,000 euros a year, but are not permitted to leave Vatican City.
160,000.00 EUR = 200,668.18 USD
Today is was 85° and sunny w/ a breeze. Tomorrow it we'll have thunderstorms w/ a high of 62° -- in other words, it'll be winter again! Of course, on the day I have errands to run, appointments to meet and dinner @ Outback to attend. On the other hand, you can't have the brilliant, fiery fall colors w/out rain and apparently somewhere around here are gorgeous leaves on trees.
As I've said previously, pine trees I'm surrounded by usually stay the same year round, as do the cedar trees. Sigh! Probably I'll see some pretty sights on the freeway tomorrow. But for now, I'm outta here -- Precious wants to go outside one last time before bed.
1 comment:
ok...I'm totally sad..My gas prices are still $2.55! BLECH! Miss ya!
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