He's not missed any meals because the area he's in has tons of vegetation, but no one can figure how on earth he got here, some 750 miles upriver from where he belongs in the warm waters of the Gulf. God bless the little guy ...
You know me, this is just about to break my heart worrying about him ...
The Good News: I am not allergic to my precious Furballs! Woo-hoo!
The Bad News: I have suffered the worst cold for the past week than I can remember having ever! But it's also the only cold I've had in five years so I guess I was due for one. That's what the Duck said, at least.
The Good News: Wesley Snipes has been found! He's in Namibia filming a movie called Gollowwalker. You'll remember he was indicted last week on eight counts of tax fraud. According to the charges, Snipes didn't file federal income tax returns from 1999-2004, and attempted to defraud the government of around $12 million in taxes.
The Bad News: Namibia has no extradition treaty with the U.S., so presumably, as long as this intricate masterpiece keeps filming, he's safe!
This is just plain Bad News: Fire chief, 3 volunteers charged with arson!
Oh wait, The Good News: These dufuses are from Tennessee, but about an hour northwest of here near the TN - KY border!
Good grief, what were they thinking?? The story even made CNN. Get a load of the Fire Chief:
Speaking of high crime, as we all know if you're going to commit capital murder you don't want to do it in Florida, or Texas for that matter. Take thee to Illinois where it took us 18 years to finally fry John Wayne Gacy, who bawled all the way to the execution chamber! Florida put to death Ted Bundy who terrorized women in this country for many years and now Danny Harold Rolling is minutes away from execution, for which hope of any final appeal is slim.
Rolling, now 52, is said to be Florida's most prolific serial killer since Ted Bundy. The son of a Louisiana cop, he had his last meal of lobster tail, butterfly shrimp, baked potato, strawberry cheesecake and sweet tea shortly before noon.
"Rawhiiiiiiiiiiiiide!!" Okay, that was a bad joke but I just watched the Blues Brothers again recently.
Hot on Danny Rolling's heels is the execution of Gregory Summers, for ordering his parents' murders sixteen years ago.
Speaking of which ... This is kinda unusual. It's a list of Last Words From Death Row:
"I'd like you to give my love to my family and friends."
— Ted Bundy, executed in Florida on Jan. 24, 1989
"Let's do it."
— Gary Gilmore, executed in Utah on Jan. 17, 1977
(By firing squad, incidentally.)
"To all of the racist white folks in America that hate black folks and to all of the black folks in America that hate themselves: the infamous words of my famous legendary brother, Matt Turner, 'Y'all kiss my black ass.' Let's do it."
— Brian Roberson, executed in Texas on Aug. 9, 2000
"Please tell the media, I did not get my Spaghetti-O's, I got spaghetti. I want the press to know."
— Thomas Grasso, executed in Oklahoma on March 20, 1995
"You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everybody dances with the Grim Reaper."
— Robert Alton Harris, executed in California on April 21, 1992
(No truer words were ever spoken.)
"Sir, in honor of a true American hero: 'Let's roll.' Lord Jesus receive my spirit."
— David Ray Harris, executed in Texas on June 30, 2004
(In reference to the last recorded words of Todd Beamer, passenger on Flight 93, 11 September, 2001 which crashed in Shanksville, PA.)
"Jane, you know damn well I did not molest that kid of yours. You are murdering me and I feel sorry for you. Get in church and get saved. I really don't know what else to tell you."
— William Chappell, executed in Texas on Nov. 20, 2002
Some words were sad, poignant, some were slightly comical. The worst part is, they're all true.
So y'all notice my new Firefox button, right? That's because there's a new release! I've had it for a bit, but it was kicked loose to the public about 24 hours ago. And just because I love you I'm posting this:
Six handy Firefox 2 tweaks!
Step 1: Download Firefox 2.
Step 2: Bend it to your will.
Sooo easy, and let me just point out one thing: Earlier today I had the opportunity to use Session Restore. Mind you, I'd forgotten about it but Firefox asked me if I'd like to restore my session to which I replied, "HELL YEAH!" (think Montgomery Gentry) and I was sooooo happy! Just read the dang article -- if that doesn't convince you Firefox is the end-all be-all in the browser world then ... I guess that means you need glasses. Because obviously you can't read -- so why are you checking out my blog?? Ahh ... for the pretty pictures!
On 15 October we all loaded up to attend a church doin's. What I remember most of all was the most mouthwatering food I've ever had in my entire life, Delinda's Mama's Chicken and Dumplings. The only chicken and dumplings I'd had previously were canned and putrid. Really. They were so bad I wondered why my mom was punishing me. Delinda promised me they were to die for and oh my! They certainly were, and she didn't exaggerate one bit. In regards to that day, I have come into possession of a few photos taken of that event, "Old Timer's Day." Everyone was supposed to dress up in period costume -- I, however, did not. I felt fortunate to make it to the event with matching shoes on -- actually, they were my red boots which matched my red fringe western jacket. Anyway, there's not a doubt in my mind I wouldn't have had matching footwear had I not groped for the red boots. Here's the most frightening part yet: I thought I had a pretty good bead on all the photo-takers at the church and threw my jacket over my head when I saw them headed my way. But I missed one ... that sneaky Cotton had a digital camera I wasn't aware of! On to the photos -- in no particular order:
That's my DADDY and ... someone, whose name has escaped me. They were putting the horseshoes together. No, those are not our horseshoes. It's an actual set Daddy bought.
Gene's band (sans Alan), and they played forever!
This is Pork Chop's little cousin, Joshua, age 7 months, aka Bruce's brother Ricky's baby. Joshua is the sweetest little angel, and I'm wild about him as well. He looks just like his mommy, Dawn where Pork Chop looks exactly like his daddy's baby photos! The two babies are so different -- Joshua is cool and calm unless he needs a diaper change. His cousin is rough and tough, active all the time -- and he fights sleep, just like my son did. Oh me. I thought they broke that mold w/ my son, but no.
Bruce and Tonya, my little sister and please notice if you will the heart on Tonya's sweater? That was once in my hair ... until Tonya admired it! I tell you truly, I love Tonya w/ ... everything inside me. I know of no other way to put it.
I have more photos but I'll have to post them tomorrow. I'm still not calmed down from the uproar we had here a little bit ago -- in fact, I had to save my post and return to it and that's why it's so late now. The horses got out -- ALL of them -- so Daddy and I had to chase them. Meanwhile, Mazie's Chapel down the road had just let out and cars were going by but instead of flying as they usually do, once they saw us herding horses they slowed way down and crept by. It was sort of touch and go for a bit because sometimes they'd run together, and others they'd split up and go different ways, and the one thing we didn't want was those fools going into the timber! That would have so sucked! You know, those things are gonna happen sometimes but you just pray WHEN it does, you'll keep your wits about you and God will tell you how to deal so you don't spook them into the timber. Tell you what, once my Palomino realized there was actual grass he could graze on it was a snap to grab ahold of him. After that it was all downhill. I believe he got ahold of one of those last pepper plants ... but don't tell my mom, okay? They're still producing!
Finally, Note to Self #6:
It doesn't matter how sick I ever again become, how dizzy and weak, how hard I'm coughing and sneezing -- I will never EVER again put Vick's Vapo-Rub on my throat BEFORE going to the bathroom! I'm still having nightmares ...
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