You'll never lose a Cool Site again! This site manages your favorite Web sites. Say good-bye to lost bookmarks. Forget about searching your browser history and e-mail folders. Just store your favorite sites online with Furl!
With Furl, your Favorites (or in Firefox, Bookmarks) are accessible from any computer. You add them with the click of a button. Then share them with friends and get recommendations from Furlmates. What’s a Furlmate? It's someone who likes similar Web sites.
You can start by adding my site!
You can access Furl from any browser. But you’ll need to download an add-in for one-click Favorites and Bookmarks. And yes, you can back up your favorite sites right from Furl.
You'll thank me later.
The next one I don't use because my laptop stores it automatically but I do see a need for others to prevent a catastrophe.
Okay, losing your Windows product key might not be a catastrophe. Most people probably don’t worry about it. But it could cost you money if you need to reinstall Windows.
A lost key means you’ll probably need to buy a new license for Windows. Since you’ve paid for it once, that hardly seems fair.
Well, you can download Magical Jellybean Keyfinder from today’s cool site. It locates your Windows product key for you. This key will allow you to reinstall Windows. It also finds your product key for Microsoft Office – in some cases.
I suggest you find your key now before you need it. Print it out and keep it in a safe place. If your computer crashes and you have to reinstall Windows, you’ll need it and you’ll have it handy!
*Note: Magical Jellybean Keyfinder only works with Windows 98, ME and XP.
This is something we can all use now and then: If you have a complaint with a company, you can do something about it. Tell the Federal Trade Commission!
The FTC has created an online form that handles a variety of complaints. Complaints can be about media violence, multi-level marketing, privacy issues, and more. You can even report spam! You fill out your contact information and then provide information on the complaint.
The FTC doesn’t settle individual disputes. However, your complaint can lead to legal action if the company was fraudulent. This means you can help others from falling victim to unscrupulous organizations.
There are also links to forms for reporting identity theft. Or, if you’re on the National Do Not Call Registry, forms for reporting violations.
And, how do I know about this site? I was fixing to register a complaint about my coffeemaker until this morning when I checked my email. What did I find? An email from said company which told me they've shipped two brand new ones to me -- free! Amazing, isn't it? I really gotta hand it to them, they want my business and by shipping me new coffeemakers they'll certainly have it!
Finally, I neglected to post this earlier but here's what the guitar autographed by Gene Simmons auctioned for on eBay. *GASP!*

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