I should probably mention it turned to winter overnight, TN version. It's cloudy, breezy and 48° then tomorrow it'll be 72° which is normal. Evidently rain is expected but I've not seen hide nor hair of it yet, although it wouldn't exactly break my heart. The pasture could really use it! I really hate the thought of frost tonight on those tender upshoots of grass but hopefully it'll survive. I mean, it's grass! It's almost a weed, surely a little (possible) frost won't hurt it. I hope. I have to go to the market -- I have forty-eleven items on my list -- no later than tomorrow morning, particularly because I'm making a Gooey Butter Cake for a church event and it's sooo much better a day or two after it's baked. Oh yummy! But trust me, a tiny piece of this is all you can handle. It was a toss-up between Samantha's Famous Gooey Butter Cake and Samantha's Famous Apple Crisp -- I should have committed to the Apple Crisp, because it's that time of year but ... I'll be honest: I decided on the cake because a teensy piece will do me and I have absolutely no intention of regaining the weight I lost! No way.
I've been digging through some images -- photos, other photos I'd taken, scanned and burned to disk plus one or two I have no idea where they originated -- and thought I'd share a few. Let me see what I can find now.
This is on my desktop!
Balloon Glow in Forest Park.

When you fly to O'ahu, this is what greets you after that extremely long flight at Honolulu International Airport -- and it's just a taste of things to come! Trust me when I say nothing can prepare you for your very first trip to Hawai'i. Obviously, it's a different culture but it's very nearly also an entirely different country unto itself.

This is inside the International Marketplace, an absolutely fascinating shopper's paradise.
And I believe this is the Ala Moana Center.

This is Crazy Shirts at Ala Moana, where all my Kliban Hawai'i shirts came from -- the only place you can get them. I didn't take the photo ... I just wanted to show you the store.
Ala Moana is four levels of shopping/entertainment, guaranteed to delight every person who enters it. It's not just a mall ... it's an experience. The International Marketplace is as well but it's a whole different experience.
And this is Pali, but I don't believe I took this photo.
The most hysterically funny thing happened when we went to Pali! We climbed up a hill ... Nevermind. You really had to be there but it still makes me dissolve in laughter everytime I think about sliding down the hill and worrying about crashing onto a car in the parking lot below!
Oh me ... I just got an email reminder:
Palomino Girl, this is a reminder for
Duckling Wedding
Sat Oct 14 2pm - 4pm (2 hrs)
(Central Time) Some church As though I could forget! The Duck's daughter is getting married on Saturday and even though I've never laid an eyeball on her, I wouldn't miss it for the world.
Gotta run for now, I have a bunch of irons in the fire and I need to tend to them!
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